Green Skull Posted April 15, 2014 Author Share Posted April 15, 2014 Yes and place your own ones in there. Then edit the config to use your own heads if they are assigned to a certain kerbal. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Space_Kraken Posted April 18, 2014 Share Posted April 18, 2014 (edited) Some pics from my ongoing cinematic style career save:Javascript is disabled. View full albumEDIT: Trying to get an imgur album to work, any ideas?EDIT 2: Almost got it working correctlyEDIT 3: Yay! Finally got it working correctly! Edited April 18, 2014 by Space_Kraken Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kerbonautical Posted April 18, 2014 Share Posted April 18, 2014 Space_Kraken said: Some pics from my ongoing cinematic style career save: Trying to get an imgur album to work, any ideas?On your Imgur gallery that you wish to post choose the option on the right to embed, it will give you a code to copy paste in here and post it in a scrollable gallery. On topic, a Gold-ish coloured suit that didn't involves the steampunk influence would be up my alley so casting my vote for that. Also something similar to the Green skull design but with orange instead would look pretty swish. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AntiMatter001 Posted April 18, 2014 Share Posted April 18, 2014 i've been dipping in and out of this mod for quite some time and would like to ask what would i have to do to just remove the cog smbol on the steampunk pack? (i like it but i dislike being seen with a symbol that is someone elses so i usually stay blank) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Green Skull Posted April 18, 2014 Author Share Posted April 18, 2014 AntiMatter001 said: i've been dipping in and out of this mod for quite some time and would like to ask what would i have to do to just remove the cog smbol on the steampunk pack? (i like it but i dislike being seen with a symbol that is someone elses so i usually stay blank)I'm afraid your only option is to airbrush it out yourself. The steam punk suit was made for Professor Phineas Kerbenstein's Wonderous Vertical Propulsion Emporium but as this mod has the longest name in KSP mod history I decided to call it the "Steam Punk Suit". Because the suit was a commission it carries Kerb-fu's cog logo and will continue to do so. If / when I make more Steam Punk suits there will be options on logo's. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AntiMatter001 Posted April 18, 2014 Share Posted April 18, 2014 Green Skull said: I'm afraid your only option is to airbrush it out yourself. The steam punk suit was made for Professor Phineas Kerbenstein's Wonderous Vertical Propulsion Emporium but as this mod has the longest name in KSP mod history I decided to call it the "Steam Punk Suit". Because the suit was a commission it carries Kerb-fu's cog logo and will continue to do so. If / when I make more Steam Punk suits there will be options on logo's.hmmm in futture maybe copy the code that the nasa pack uses for logos and ****... kinda nice for those who don't want to be tagged on (like in ksp now on the pack there is a lil flag logo (of your flag) on the pack.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Green Skull Posted April 18, 2014 Author Share Posted April 18, 2014 The logo is part of the suit texture I made. TextureReplacer is an excellent mod made by Shaw. If you want plain suits download Proot's excellent originals which I believe are now included as part of his stunning Renaissance Compilation artworks remake Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Kriger Posted April 20, 2014 Share Posted April 20, 2014 Here is a nice link to the Navy Mk 5 dive suit. Page only has photos of the helmet - a photo of the suit + helmet - Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Green Skull Posted April 21, 2014 Author Share Posted April 21, 2014 I plan on making another steam punk suit (or two) and that is exactly what I had in mind so expect to see it at some point. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Whirligig Girl Posted April 22, 2014 Share Posted April 22, 2014 I want to see a MechJeb skin from the KSP Comic. Also maybe some heads to match the three main Kerbals from the comics as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeoMorph Posted April 22, 2014 Share Posted April 22, 2014 Is there any way to make the gold visors? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Green Skull Posted April 22, 2014 Author Share Posted April 22, 2014 (edited) NeoMorph said: Is there any way to make the gold visors?I have gold tint and reflective visors in all packs. Gold reflective visor with gold reflection is best I have currently. Edited April 22, 2014 by Green Skull Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Space_Kraken Posted April 22, 2014 Share Posted April 22, 2014 MY personal favorite is the Iridium visors. They are pure beauty. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Green Skull Posted April 22, 2014 Author Share Posted April 22, 2014 I need some ideas for new visors. Pure game time reflection is not possible at the minute but I'm open to suggestions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thrandisher Posted April 26, 2014 Share Posted April 26, 2014 love what you have done here, great stuff.Was trying to think of some idea's for looks but came up short. Only could think of a skeleton suit. I know, pretty bad, lol. what made me think of that tho was to have a kerbal head in the general look of, grim fandango, character.I always wanted a still suit (from the book/movie Dune) as a space suit, but your gsi black suit is pretty close to that look.Have you looked at the helmet from the old sci-fi movie, outland? I dont know if the lights on it would classify as a visor or helmet tbh. Not sure why but i always think of that movie when im trying to do a eva in space. Childhood memories i guess.How about a predator lower jawbone on a visor. Kindof a dark semi hard to see through but with a semi bright or atleast noticeable jaw line/jawbone there.ack, ive gone into movie mode. think that means im tired. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Green Skull Posted April 26, 2014 Author Share Posted April 26, 2014 Maybe I'm already working on a skeleton suit... If I thought I could do predator justice I'd do it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LameLefty Posted April 28, 2014 Share Posted April 28, 2014 If this question has been asked and answered already, I apologize, but ... is there an easy tweak to the config file to make crew members appear helmet-less while in IVA? I think that would be a fun touch. Also, I changed my config file to use the blue KSP IVA suit for internal views but only about 1/2 the time do my crew actually wear the blue suit; often one or two is still wearing the orange KSP suit from that pack. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EuSouONumero345 Posted April 29, 2014 Share Posted April 29, 2014 (edited) I love this mod, it's absolutely brilliant!If you are seeing this, make a Link suit for Kerbals pleeeeeease Edited April 29, 2014 by EuSouONumero345 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Green Skull Posted April 29, 2014 Author Share Posted April 29, 2014 LameLefty said: If this question has been asked and answered already, I apologize, but ... is there an easy tweak to the config file to make crew members appear helmet-less while in IVA? I think that would be a fun touch. Also, I changed my config file to use the blue KSP IVA suit for internal views but only about 1/2 the time do my crew actually wear the blue suit; often one or two is still wearing the orange KSP suit from that pack.Some ships do have helmet less IVA. The excellent Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System is the first one that springs to mind.You need to remove the orange suits textures from the suits directory OR remove their entry from the @GreenSkull configuration file in TextureReplacer. Instructions of how to do this are in the README file. Also the configuration file has built in guidelines to help. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Green Skull Posted April 29, 2014 Author Share Posted April 29, 2014 Daniel345 said: I love this mod, it's absolutely brilliant!Thank you. I'm planning an update soon with some new suit textures plus a version upgrade to TextureReplacer 1.4.2 including texture upgrades and some new heads! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DaKakeIsALie Posted May 3, 2014 Share Posted May 3, 2014 Is there any packs that are simply just a rainbow of colors for the suits? like the exact vanilla but with different colors?Also, if I have custom kerbal names (by modding the save file) what will happen to the somehow/pseudo-random texture assigner?What would I have to do to assign said custom name a particular color?Sorry, but the instruction manual is literally of no help. Were it written in hieroglyphics it would be no more difficult to understand. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Green Skull Posted May 3, 2014 Author Share Posted May 3, 2014 I'm working on different colours of suits so expect those in the next update.Custom suits are assigned to specific or generic kerbals in the configuration file. I completely disagree with the statement that my Green Sull README instructions are "literally of no help" as they explain exactly how to assign specific suits to kerbals.So the following is taken from my instructions and explains how to assign specific suits... 5. ***** How to change / add textures and apply to different situations in game ***** This is a two step process. Yes its complicated when you first read it and I'm sorry the instructions are long and boring but hopefully they will solve any problems you may be having and prevent the problems I have seen in the many posts on forums! This is split into two parts. - 1. How to add / remove individual textures - 2. How to configure individual textures *NOTE* Some previous experience in changing configuration files would be handy but everbody has to start somewhere... And I guess some of you will start here so I'll try to explain this as best as I can. When changing things in the configuration file there are two possible scenarios. Scenario 1. It works. Texture change has been implimented. Scenario 2. It didn't work. Texture change failed. Game may do weird things... I suggest ONLY changing the GreenSkull configuration file to apply texture changes as this will prevent future conflicts with these supplied textures! Things like SPELLING and bracket placement matter! ***** ALL INDIVIDUAL TEXTURES CANNOT BE RENAMED THEY MUST STAY AS THEY ARE ***** ***** Part 1 - How to Add and remove individual textures *****- Step 1. First and most important step... BEFORE YOU MESS ABOUT IN THE TextureReplacer FILE MAKE A COPY On YOUR DESKTOP AS A BACK UP! You will also have a referance to use for mistakes. - Step 2. Locate the texture that you wish to change. These are located in the Alternate Textures folder you kept in a safe place earlier... Right click and copy. The textures you can change are: - EVA Jetpacks - Which Jetpack texture to use on EVA. - Heads - Different head textures. - Helmets - Different helmet textures. - Suits - Different Spacesuit and Cabin textures. - Visor Colours - Different colours and types of visors. - Visor Reflections - Different visor reflections e.g. Stars, Skyboxes etc. - Step 3. Locate the correct folder for the texture in TextureReplacer. The options here are : - Default - Place textures here to apply to ALL kerbals. Textures in this folder must have the following name structure: Name - Description kerbalHead - Kerbal head kerbalMain - IVA suit (veteran/Bill Bob Jeb) - can't get this to work kerbalMainGrey - IVA suit (standard/Non custom characters) kerbalMainNRM - IVA suit normal map kerbalHelmetGrey - IVA helmet kerbalHelmetNRM - IVA & EVA helmet normal map kerbalVisor - IVA helmet visor EVAtexture - EVA suit EVAtextureNRM - EVA suit normal map EVAhelmet - EVA helmet EVAvisor - EVA helmet visor EVAjetpack - EVA jetpack EVAjetpackNRM - EVA jetpack normal map *IMPORTANT NOTE* You can not change the name of a texture or the Default folder. You can change the name of a folder containing an indivdual textrure BUT you must edit the configuration file if it is in use OR you plan to use it. - EnvMap - Place alternate visor reflections here. Textures in this folder must have the following name structure: Name - Description GalaxyTex_PositiveX - skybox right face GalaxyTex_NegativeX - skybox left face GalaxyTex_PositiveY - skybox bottom face, rotated for 180° GalaxyTex_NegativeY - skybox top face GalaxyTex_PositiveZ - skybox front face GalaxyTex_NegativeZ - skybox back face *IMPORTANT NOTE* You cannot change the name of a texture or the EnvMap folder. - Heads - Kerbal and Kermin heads go here. - Suits - IVA and EVA suits go here. Paste the desired texture in the desired location. The more textures you add the more RAM you use. The textures are not big files but if you add a LOT of extra textures you will use more RAM. I 100% reccomend Active Texture Manager by rbray89. *IMPORTANT NOTE* Although many textures use the same normal map some don't. Please refer to the list below for what goes with what... ***** How to remove textures ***** Simply delete the unwanted texture from the appropirate folder in the locations listed above. THEN remove the listing for the texture in the GreenSkull configuration file. How to edit the configuration file is explained below. ***** Part 2 - Configuring your new textures ***** I have written some guide lines in the @GreenSkull configuration file to help you in the right direction. I'm not going to go into technical terms just simple basics so anyone can add their own custom textures. A few basic configuration file rules for noobs: - lines of code that start with // are ignored by the programme - The brackets denote opening and closing of parts of code and are VERY important - Each configuration file must open with the programme or part name then { - Each part of instruction has to open with a { then - instructions - then close with } - At the end of the instructions there must be a } to close the file. - Brackets, Spaces, = equals signs, comma's and file name SPELLING are super important to getting good results Bracket format: Programme or part name { { Instructions } } *Note* I have tried to make this explanation as simple as possible and give examples where possible. I have written instructions and examples in the configuration file @GreenSkull * How to Change Which texture appears where * - CustomKerbals - Goto this section of the configuration file to change custom kerbal textures. The format is: Name SPACE = Head Texture SPACE Suit Texture - Step 1. Add your kerbals name. - Step 2. Then a space. - Step 3. Then an = sign. - Step 4. Then a space. - Step 5. Then Suit Texture name in the suits directory. The suits directory is the folder containing the custom suit's in TextureReplacer. The adress will look something like: TextureReplacer/Suits/YOUR CHOSEN SUIT TEXTURE FOLDER NAME e.g Bill Kerman = BILLkerbalHead GSI_Black_Suit * How to find an out of game list of names and use on a new custom kerbal * 1. Open the save game folder in your main KSP game folder, - The address for this should be something like C:\Users\Desktop\KSP\KSP_win\saves 2. Open the folder with your save name 3. Find the file named persistant.sfs 4. Scroll directly to the bottom and then up for each individual name. IF YOU MODIFY ANYTHING IN THE SAVE GAME FILE BY ACCIDENT OR OTHERWISE IT WILL EFFECT YOUR SAVED GAME SO BE CAREFUL IN HERE!!! - Default and GenericKerbals - To prevent heads from being assigned to generic Kerbals the list must be space- and/or comma-separated. e.g. excludedHeads = BILLkerbalHead BOBkerbalHead JEBkerbalHead To prevent suits from being assigned to generic Kerbals the list must be space- and/or comma-separated. e.g. excludedSuits = GSI_Black_Suit GSI_Blue_Suit KSP_White_Suit The other settings for female head and female suit assignment are the same. You can change the generic suit assignment. The possible options are random or consecutive. Simply change suitAssignment = random to suitAssignment = consecutive - CabinSuits - Add your Cabin-specific suits here. These are enforced even if a Kerbal has a custom suit. To find your pod or cockpit internal name open the parts configuration file and look for the part where it says: INTERNAL { name = mk1PodCockpit } Format: Part internal name SPACE = SPACE Suit directory - Step 1. Add your pod or cockpits internal name. - Step 2. Then a space. - Step 3. Then an = sign. - Step 4. Then a space. - Step 5. Then Suit Texture name in the suits directory. Entries look like this: internal name from the cockpit or pod part configuration file = suit directory e.g. for the standard mk1 squad pod mk1PodCockpit = KSP_Orange_Suit *Note* I have tried to make this explanation as simple as possible and give examples where possible. I have written instructions and examples in the configuration file @GreenSkull Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
phoenix_ca Posted May 5, 2014 Share Posted May 5, 2014 (edited) After reading the whole readme and config files from top-to-bottom...twice...or three times, honestly I've lost count at this point, I still am not clear on exactly how to manage things. I want to use two IVA suit colours, the blue for generic kerbals, and the orange for Bill, Bob, and Jeb. The former seems easy: All I need to do is slap the blue kerbalMainGrey and kerbalMainNRM PNGs in the Default folder. For the latter, the issue is making sure both the suit texture and normal files get applied. I assumed (though this isn't clear at all from the config files if I'm doing this right) that putting a folder in /TextureReplacer/Suits called "KSP_Dark_Orange_IVA_suit" which contains both the correct normal and texture files in that folder, then specifying the suit name in the config for Bill, Bob, and Jeb as KSP_Dark_Orange_IVA_suit.But as I said, I have no idea if that'd work. It's all based on assumptions. The config just isn't specific enough on the subject of custom suits, especially since all the actual PNG files are named the same as each other. Differentiating them and making sure the correct normal file is used isn't straight forward.What's not clear is the terminology refering to "Suit Texture". The texture is actually the kerbalMainGrey PNG, not a folder/directory. It'd be clearer if this section were more specific. From the examples you gave in the above post, it seems I'm going about it the right way, but that's not specifying the texture, that's specifying the name of the directory in the Suits folder that contains both the texture and the normal files. It's also clear in the last part because you say specifically "suit directory" not texture.Edit: The config that comes with Texture Replacer is much, much more clear. I would suggest you keep your config more in line with this paragraph: Quote //Custom heads and suits for specific Kerbals. Entries are of the form: // // Name = headTex [suitDir] // // where `headTex` is an image (without extension) inside `Heads/` and // `suitDir` is a subdirectory inside `Suits/` containing textures for a // suit. `DEFAULT` keeps the default head/suit textures from `Default/` and // `GENERIC` assigns a generic head/suit using the same rules as for the // generic Kerbals. If `suitDir` is missing then `GENERIC` is assumed. Edited May 5, 2014 by phoenix_ca Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Capt. Hunt Posted May 7, 2014 Share Posted May 7, 2014 I'm a bit confused myself, but I don't think the wording of the readme is the problem here. I followed the directions and set Jeb, Bob and Bill to use the KSO_Phase_1_Suit, and also left KSO_Phase_1_Suit in excluded suits, but the generic kerbals are still spawning in KSO suits. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cheech420now Posted May 7, 2014 Share Posted May 7, 2014 Do you have psd files for the suits and helmets by chance? I would like to try to make my own. I love yours but i want some neon green ones lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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