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First Time Docking!!


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So, I successfully rendezvoused and docked two space craft together in space tonight! Granted, it took me almost an hour, but it felt so good afterwards. Now I know that I can do it, and just knowing that seems to provide a bit of a safety net in case future missions go wrong (i.e. not enough fuel).

Here's a few pics:


Great job. It is a great feeling of accomplishment.

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Congrats. Of course as you will find your fellow Kerbs will ironically become less safe. Before you got into trouble running out of supplies. Now you can get into more trouble piling on rocket fuel and building ACME style rockets like Wil E Coyote...... :)

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Woohoo! Well done.

I spent a few good hours before I realised that in target mode the green marker was relative velocity not orbit velocity. I think I tried to match velocities by eye!

The best thing about learning docking is that two failed ships can be joined to make a space station which counts as a success! 2 wrongs = 1 right!

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