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New KSP RP forum in progress | NATION SETUP! | PLEASE JOIN!


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I am creating a RP forum that is similar to the standard RP forum, but with slightly different rules.


I am sure that you are an excellent author and as such an excellent role-player. I hereby invite you to my new RP forum; you must only follow these simple steps:

1. Register onto the forum

2. Go to this thread: http://medwediaforum.forumieren.com/t2-the-kortugan-league-apply-for-a-nation-world-map#2

3. Carve out your territory and the basic parameters of your nation to make an application out of it; it will be then accepted if it is appropriate.

4. Start building up your nation by making a nation thread!

5. Wait until there are enough nations and the systems are all built up so that roleplaying can start.

6. Have fun!

I look forward for seeing you on my new forum and roleplaying with you!



Edited by MedwedianPresident
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  MedwedianPresident said:
I am creating a RP forum that is similar to the standard RP forum, but with slightly different rules.


I'm working on a KSP Roleplay Forum set 10,000 years into the future, with Dyson Spheres and stuff.

You start with a single planet with 22nd century technology, and move your way up..

There needs to be more than one roleplay forum.

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  Holo said:
Stop what?

Without consent of the KSPRP Moderators, he used the Kerbin map, the systems and several other things. It could be possibly illegal.

You also seem to be scarily obsessive over Medwedia, just saying...

Edited by Annoyingorbits
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  Annoyingorbits said:
Without consent of the KSPRP Moderators, he used the Kerbin map, the systems and several other things. It could be possibly illegal.

You also seem to be scarily obsessive over Medwedia, just saying...

It's not.

The Kerbin Map has been used over and over and over and over and over and over so many times before the existance of the KSPRP before, that's its considered open-source fanwork, not copyrighted matieral. There is no copyright on the systems, otherwise they would've informed us (I'm on the KSPRP forum's, and it's inactive), and there is no copyright elsewhere.

The KSPRP forums is an fanwork of its own. Fanworks are not copyrighted, as copyrighting them would violate the copyright of the original matieral (Squad would take issue with the KSPRP forum if it was ever copyrighted). And thus, there is no issue with it.

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  NASAFanboy said:
It's not.

The Kerbin Map has been used over and over and over and over and over and over so many times before the existance of the KSPRP before, that's its considered open-source fanwork, not copyrighted matieral.

That's not how IP law works. The song 'happy birthday' is sung literally hundreds of millions of times a year, in dozens of countries, very few of which would consider paying royalties to anyone; but it's still copyrighted. Regardless, the specific 'kerbin map' here doesn't pre-date the KSPRP at all, and doesn't have use outside of it; I'd know, given I made it.

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  Annoyingorbits said:
No, it's not.

But still, you missed the point.

There is no copyright on the map, and there never will be.

As for the inactivity, it took the moderator 22 days get to my nation, and then he said it couldn't be Athiest (WTF?!?) and now it's going to take another month or so.

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  NASAFanboy said:
As for the inactivity, it took the moderator 22 days get to my nation, and then he said it couldn't be Athiest (WTF?!?) and now it's going to take another month or so.

This is especially funny/flawed on the part of the moderators because of the State Atheism of many real-world governments.

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  NASAFanboy said:
But still, you missed the point.

There is no copyright on the map, and there never will be.

As for the inactivity, it took the moderator 22 days get to my nation, and then he said it couldn't be Athiest (WTF?!?) and now it's going to take another month or so.

Welp, Kryten could give you 101 Reasons why you can't be Atheist, so can Charzy, actually.

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  Annoyingorbits said:
Welp, Kryten could give you 101 Reasons why you can't be Atheist, so can Charzy, actually.

Bro, I'm Athiest IRL, and Religon is an extremely touchy topic for me. There is no reason whatsoever that you can't be atheist, and there is no way you can possily post them without turning the topic into an religous flamewar. I'm atheist, and that is that.

What happened to seperation of Church and State?

Why are you trying to force an religon upon my country and my roleplay? I have an personal dislike of religon (My grandparents were targets of religous persecution and were discriminated against on religous grounds), and I don't want to have one.

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The religion thing is intended as cultural background, what's important is the effect on society. 'State atheist, majority of population atheist, major past religion was blablablabla' is acceptable, 'atheist since the beginning of time' is nonsense.

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  Kryten said:
The religion thing is intended as cultural background, what's important is the effect on society. 'State atheist, majority of population atheist, major past religion was blablablabla' is acceptable, 'atheist since the beginning of time' is nonsense.

Some nations might have been formed in more modern times and have more modern backgrounds. Sometimes the government doesn't want anything to do with religon and may be communist. Sometimes the government may have evolved and changed, and sometimes the government just doesn't want to hear about it.

Not all nations formed at 3000BC, y'know.

To list something as an "offical religon" is endorsing an certain faith.

I'd rather not.

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  Kryten said:
Again, 'religion' is religion that have had major effects on the society. Nation and government are not synonymous.

I don't want religon to have an major effect on my society. I'd rather have an downtrodden communist country without religous influence than an modern free country with heavy fumdementalist religous influcence. What then?

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  Kryten said:
All real societies have been influenced by religion, you might as well by asking for one that hasn't been influenced by history.

They have been influenced by religon because international pressure demands it. And also..


- North Korea

- China

In the modern ages, atleast. I can give less than two craps as to what happened in my coutnry a couple thousand years ago; thats irrelavent. Do the American Indians have an huge influence on the US Government today? No, they don't, and the same logic applies here.

This is an alternate universe, you need not need this religon here. I don't want my government to be influenced by an religon, and I will never let it be. I want my nation to be given religous diversity, but no single religon and certainly no religon in government.

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