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Two small part fixes

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This may have been suggested before, but I couldn't find it anywhere, so... *fingers crossed* that it warrants a new thread :rolleyes:


The NCS adapter. While it does have low drag, this part is heavy compared to other spaceplane-oriented stuff. Besides aesthetic reasons, there isn't really any advantage to using it instead of a hodgepodge of actually useful stuff. But the model clearly has air inlets on its sides and two smaller ones on top. Perhaps it could provide a (small) amount of IntakeAir, optimised for higher velocities? Not nearly as much as a ram intake, of course, the amount of 1 radial would suffice that the player doesn't get effectively punished for using it.

Secondly, it would be great if the Oscar-B tanks could be radially attached! As they are mostly used in smaller craft, there usually isn't much room for additional parts that allow hack methods of doing so. And from a realism standpoint, there doesn't really seem to be anything preventing radial attachment any more than with the FL-T100 tank.

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Secondly, it would be great if the Oscar-B tanks could be radially attached!


Don't forget xenon tanks ! or batteries or hitchhikers or or or.......,

It really is annoying playing with the tiny struts isn't it...

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