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NASA and KSP future?


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okay so we know that NASA has asked the KSP team to add there asteroid mission. What if anything do you think will be planned in the future? i think both parties can gain so much from this partnership. The KSP team could maybe gain some more money and dev help from partnering with NASA. NASA can gain a platform to get the public excited about space again. Being real NASA doesnt make the most interesting games and they also dont market them very well if at all. i really hope that both parties will decide to team up and work together to develop the game with maybe a like official game of NASA stamp or there endorsement on it. what are your guys thoughts on it?

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okay so we know that NASA has asked the KSP team to add there asteroid mission.

Technically Squad asked NASA, not the other way around. NASA said "that would be cool".

I would much rather see if there is value in a relationship with a private company like Space X. NASA is an inept government organization funded through stolen money. Let's support the free market instead of the government monopoly.

Fun fact: there already is a mod that implements the SpaceX portfolio. :)

Edited by Streetwind
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I don't think this would have happened had they kept their original goals of manned lunar landings and eventually manned Mars missions. Instead, NASA got stuck with this uninspiring mission, and felt a need for some positive PR to "sell" the mission to the public. It works out well for Squad and the KSP community, but I would be shocked if a similar partnership were to have happened for any other type of NASA mission.

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A full partnership might be lots to ask but if KSP could have "9 out of 10 JPL employees agree; KSP is a good game" stamp on it it would probably get lots of publicity.

The 10th is clearly not qualified to be working at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He's probably the guy who messed up the imperial to metric conversions.

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I don't think this would have happened had they kept their original goals of manned lunar landings and eventually manned Mars missions. Instead, NASA got stuck with this uninspiring mission, and felt a need for some positive PR to "sell" the mission to the public. It works out well for Squad and the KSP community, but I would be shocked if a similar partnership were to have happened for any other type of NASA mission.
Uninspiring and unglamorous, maybe. Asteroids are never going to have the cachet of Mars or the Moon. But what else in spaceflight offers us the chance to prevent a natural disaster? The asteroid redirect mission may be being "sold", but it's one worth humanity buying.
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What it SHOULD develop into, would be a platform through which real life missions could be tackled by thousands of rabid players, eventually becoming something like folding at home, but solving problems with space travel instead.

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Uninspiring and unglamorous, maybe. Asteroids are never going to have the cachet of Mars or the Moon. But what else in spaceflight offers us the chance to prevent a natural disaster? The asteroid redirect mission may be being "sold", but it's one worth humanity buying.

To me, this mission also ties in with the Rosetta comet mission, as well as the plan to wrangle an asteroid and bring it into Earth orbit. I'm pretty sure the devs said on Twitch last night that if you bring an asteroid into Kerbin orbit, you'd get a science bonus while studying it.

This asteroid update is NOT just about preventing a Michael Bay scenario.

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KSP's vehicle assembly building will interface directly with robotic arms inside of NASA, and when you hit the launch button the game will switch to webcam mode, eliminating part lag forever!

Though finding willing volunteers to dawn green facepaint is holding the whole project back.

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Back on track, I personally feel that SQUAD would do well to encourage greater awareness of the potential of space travel from all willing outlets. Provided SQUAD is the group that is approached by the other and there aren't any sort of highly questionable (ie. dangerous) motives behind it, of course.

Edited by KasperVld
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Back on track, I personally feel that SQUAD would do well to encourage greater awareness of the potential of space travel from all willing outlets. Provided SQUAD is the group that is approached by the other and there aren't any sort of highly questionable (ie. dangerous) motives behind it, of course.

Maybe something has changed, but I feel that NASA has always been the poster child for the 'spirit of space exploration.' If you're talking about companies like SpaceX, I don't know. Something about that feels somehow more... profiteering? Not saying it's a bad company or anything, but the further away you get from NASA, the further away you get from "What can we learn from it?" and closer to, "How much can we earn from it?" That would make KSP an entirely different kind of game.

But, I might just be completely misinterpreting your suggestion.

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The interesting thing about SpaceX is that Elon Musk has said on more than one occasion that his goal is to get to Mars, and that the company will not go public until that goal is accomplished. I think that makes SpaceX different from United Launch Alliance (Lockheed/Boeing joint venture) which is all about profit and doesn't have any sort of interesting vision for the future.

Anyway, I think future collaboration with NASA can only be a good thing. I'm not sure how close of a partnership would be possible though, since NASA is a U.S. government agency and Squad is a non-US private company.

Edited by GusTurbo
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Anyway, I think future collaboration with NASA can only be a good thing. I'm not sure how close of a partnership would be possible though, since NASA is a U.S. government agency and Squad is a non-US private company.

Random simple question... anyone know if copies of KSP can be found in the gift centers at Kennedy?

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KasperVld, I keep clicking on add to cart, but it just sends me to your profile page; why can't I buy you?!?!?!? :D

I hope there is a future for KSP and NASA; NASA's help, encouragement and funding have helped (AFAIK) to add a large amount of content and features for the next patch in a relatively short amount of time, and if SQUAD can get content out quicker because of their help, it's a bonus in my book.

Plus, the interest of huge world-renown company/organisation into their game can only help gain publicity; I hope this will give them a nice sales boost!

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