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settings for the resolution of dials in iva

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what I'm suggesting is for an option to increase the resolution of the numbers/text on dials in iva...

well, I would like to use the radar altimeter, but currently I either have to switch all textures to a high resolution which for me is a BIG no-no.. having this setting for only iva objects which have text or numbers on them would be extremely useful, I don't care about how detailed the other objects are, I want those numbers !!!

Or alternatively (or even better both) I think it would be equally useful to be able to set the 3rd person view altimeter on radar altitude so I know how far i actually am from the ground... (when you don't have shadows its hard to estimate and without legible numbers in iva you can't use)....

I know the latter has been suggested who knows how many times but I think some more options in the settings would be great ! :)

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Or alternatively (or even better both) I think it would be equally useful to be able to set the 3rd person view altimeter on radar altitude so I know how far i actually am from the ground... (when you don't have shadows its hard to estimate and without legible numbers in iva you can't use)....

It would not be equally useful, it would be much more useful if the altimeter did that. I really wish it was implemented

Apart of that, I find even the lowest texture resolution altimeter quite readable if you remember where is which nuber. 500 m is at 6 o'clock, to the right of it are 400, 300, 200, and 100, and to the left are 1000, 2000 and 3000.



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