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Mobile Gundam Suits (MRK V kOS Footage)

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  stellarator said:
Now if you can do the Freedom of Gundam Seed Destiny http://static.minitokyo.net/downloads/46/40/157046.jpg

or the 00 (00 Raiser

i'll admire you much more.

And i already admire you very much for made a GUNDAM!!!!

Thanks for the idea's and the support. Once I figure out how to make this walk easily and consistantly I will be able to style them all differently for everyones favorites. The problem with the shoulder engines is the weight/thrust. I want to have big ones like the originals but thats a lot of wieght on the IR hinges.

I have to use quantum struts now else the thrust from the rockets makes his arms flap, which is actually kind of funny.

Also the next gundam I want to build will probably be the winged one, cause I wanna see it transform into that plane

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Getting there, damage still has to be added. But I'm pretty happy with this. I still have to tweak the beams shape/length/glow

Far Smaller, lighter, and more capable than the MRK I, this is my MRK II Kerbal Gundam. It is a simple & eloquent design, sculpted to resemble a much more compact, realistically scaled, better looking Gundam Mech. This version isn't a novelty like the MRK I, but a fully mission ready Mech Suit capable of long distance, high altitude & velocity flight, as well as limited spaceflight. It is an easy to fly VTOL craft that is capable of walking, and features fully functional arms.

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Awesome I see many feats solved in Mark II from Mark I. Keep up the good work!

-I vote yes to use custom zoid parts for the feet.

I'm a modder and I don't care to get my copy of the game dirty.

Plus the zoid parts are so amazing on anything.

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  radmp41 said:
Awesome I see many feats solved in Mark II from Mark I. Keep up the good work!

-I vote yes to use custom zoid parts for the feet.

I'm a modder and I don't care to get my copy of the game dirty.

Plus the zoid parts are so amazing on anything.

I've been thinking a lot about this lately, and I'd love anyone's input. But I believe B9 is the reason people don't wanna download these ships, not my 3 or 4 custom parts. It's a huge mod, one which I can't even use without turning my graphics down.

I wonder if I could get permission to include just the few B9 parts I use in my custom folders so that way people can still run my stuff without the whole B9 mod being required. I'm pretty sure development for it has stopped anyway. Also maybe .24 will introduce some new parts.

As for the feet. I've been searching the internet looking for models to download and break apart, for stuff like heads, feet, hands, guns and shields, but people are much more protective of their gundams than zoids. If anyone can find a 3d model of a gundam with a free download on the internet I would be super interested in it.

I like the idea of combining custom parts with stock parts, so that the crafts still have a very kerbal feel. Like my new zoid.


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So I need some testers. Mostly to help me figure out walking. The .24 update broke the nested engines so I have to fix those. But I stuck my Berserk Fury feet on the gundam until I can built it's own custom feet. This means there is tons of traction with the ground.

I get a big ol' digimon vibe from it.


All the parts are there, I could just use some help figuring out speeds, limits, and trying to figure out the process to make it walk consistently.

And the laser sword is almost done


Also the thing flies a little farther than the last one.


With tons of fuel left.


Well just hit me up if you wanna alpha test this guy for me and I'll send you the craft


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  soulreaver1981 said:
you can sent me the file if you want.

your zoid was pretty good.

how do you make the legs go back with one button press???

Hey thanks a lot. I'm super happy with my zoid. And I have a minor update coming soon. I believe 6 moves the feet back into place. You have to turn 5 off first, else they don't move.

Also I'm pretty confident one of my pms to you contains a gundam download. But a lot has changed so I'll send you a new download soon. Alpha release should be in a day or two

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  clown_baby said:
Hey thanks a lot. I'm super happy with my zoid. And I have a minor update coming soon. I believe 6 moves the feet back into place. You have to turn 5 off first, else they don't move.

Also I'm pretty confident one of my pms to you contains a gundam download. But a lot has changed so I'll send you a new download soon. Alpha release should be in a day or two


What i ment was that the legs move back with out holding the button.

I normaly have to hold a button/nummer until the move is don.

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I dig it yo, but this guy is gonna be wingless. It flies just fine without them. Maybe for a different version. I got custom feet too. Courtesy of a dude named fabelar


They still have to be shaped/sized a little

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I'm getting the weirdest bug. At random times during flight this happens. A line jumps from the craft to the runway, with the camera focusing on the middle of it all.


It's because of the custom feet. This doesn't happen with the foot on a rocket, just the gundam. I might have to rebuild the whole thing from scratch in .24. Which is super annoying, but not impossible

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It's weird, I can't replicate it with the foot on a rocket. Which means its because the ship was built in .23.5 I think. Has anyone else had trouble loading in old ships? Some weird stuff happened to the gundam right when I loaded it up. Like the engines exploding.

Anyway, I was thinking about a custom cockpit, but I think this is pretty sweet.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I needed a break from the gundam, so I build some fighter jets. But I fixed the feet problem by rebuilding the legs. The problem is they looked so very perfect before, I'm having trouble making them look as good after rebuilding them

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  • 2 weeks later...

Useless but awesome looking. I really really need a new computer though. This gif looks like garbage and just tonight I had to splice my power cord back together to get my macbook back on. The dude at the hardware store said it couldn't be done, but electrical tape solves all. I'm just typing up a new OP, then this guy will be up for download.


Falling with style. As high as I could jump


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Tweakscale everyone, it's awesome. I've completely eliminated all the custom parts on this thing. Obviously the feet are custom, but they are necessary for ground traction. I'll release a version with stock feet too.

The feet are all done, and they are coded as landing gear for traction. I also gave them robotics, so the ankles work now. I'm playing with tuning the hips, knees, and ankles to try and make the walking easier. It's not great yet, but I have high hopes for how well it will work one day. Also a little bit of flying in the video

I made the beam saber cooler now too.


There's two more new gif's in the op. This thing really is done. Just gotta type up a nice op, and get the download ready

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  • 3 weeks later...

So after truly countless hours I have completed what I believe to be, a fully functional Gundam Mech Suit. This version isn't a novelty like the MRK I, but a fully mission ready Mech Suit capable of long distance, high altitude & velocity flight, as well as limited spaceflight. It is an easy to fly VTOL craft that is capable of walking, and features fully functional arms.

I have several different versions posted in the OP, with and without custom parts. I really hope you download one of the crafts and at least examine it in the SPH. It is a simple & eloquent design, that I sculpted to realistically match a real Gundam suit, and pictures simply don't do it justice. You can install a version with only b9 and IR installed. It will load even without tweakscale, but the legs will look too small.

Like I say in the OP, walking will be a continuous work in progress, and any future updates will be as I tweak the walking to make it easier. If you can improve the walking in any fashion, I will credit you in future updates, and when I eventually post it to reddit. The joints in the legs are all fully functional, the limits and speeds just need to be tested.

The OP is fully detailed with all the features, and will give you an excellent description of what to expect.

Thanks for checking it out,



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

The Gundam crashes the game if loaded into .25 so I decided to build it from scratch in .25. However that turned into redesigning many aspects of the craft & implication of the newest b9 update(which is awesome, and seems to make the game run smoother).

So that means that a mrk III & mrk IV will be out soon.

The MRK III is pretty much the same, however smaller, lighter, and way less parts. I'm shooting to keep the part count around 150. The hips have been completely redesigned thanks to the ability to move parts in the hanger. And the upper body will rotate in regards to the hips/legs, which should assist in walking.


The MRK IV will be smaller still, completely eliminating the fuel tank the legs are attached to. I haven't decided where to place the engines yet on this model & this craft wont have the long distance capabilities of the MRK III.

The plan is use this design for the deep space model that will be the MRK V.


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  • 5 weeks later...
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