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Naming Schemes for Spacecrafts Showcase

Whirligig Girl

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Here, post your naming schemes for rockets and spacecrafts. Here's mine.

All names based on real spacecraft or rockets is the name of the real rocket backwards and in Spanish. Voyager becomes Orejaiv. Launch Vehicles and Spaceplanes have K added to the front. Saturn V becomes Konrutas V, Skylon is an english only name, so it is just Kolyks. The problem with this naming scheme is that almost everything other than Launch Vehicles and Spaceplanes begin with a vowel. Also, Sputnik is Ejaivedorenapmoc (Fellow Traveler in Spanish).

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I generally just make up a random name(Cosmos launcher, Starburst launchers). If I can't bother to do that, I name it after its function. Probe Mapper, for example. And then there are some which are parodies or real life stuff, like KST-70000 (CST-100 parody).

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