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Found a new way to slightly boost your framerate.


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If you are a ksp lover then you should have a good computer to run it without terrible lag, but if you are like me, you have a crummy computer that runs 10 FPS at 100 parts, then it can be a pain, but while in your rocket/plane/rover etc. if you look straight up at the sky your framerate will go to normal because your computer needs to load less things. i dont know if this is new or not but i thought it would help some people like it did me.

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On my notebook, I wold physwarp while on the pad and then go back to 0x, that solved most of the lag somehow. Went from yellow/red clock on to green without touching any setting.

That's because your max delta setting is too low, physwarp increases it because the max can't be less than the current physics delta and it doesn't go back down when you go back to normal speed. It should result in a better time-rate but FPS might suffer a bit depending on how graphics capable your machine is.

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When amd's mantle comes out (or i guess now that it HAS come out), will it be possible to run ksp on it? what api does ksp use in the first place? we all know that any and all workload shifted from the cpu to the gpu would really boost ksp's performance

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