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Come on Squad, gimme a reason!

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What's this? People being reasonable on the Internet? But anyway, it's interesting that although DLC and expansion pack have functionally the same definition DLC had such a bad reputation. I do get what you mean. I just have to be sure to elaborate first in the future.

I'm sorry are you saying that if cosmetic microtransactions were added the ksp is certainly going to be ruined the way of dungeon keeper? And what is wrong with paid DLC? Would you feel the same way if squad said they ate bringing out an expansion for KSP and toy would have to pay for it?

What I am saying is this: microtransactions that provide any kind of in game advantage <new engines, bigger more powerful SRB's or something of that kind, that also locks out mods> is where things go bad fast. I am perfectly fine with paying for COSMETICS, hell, you should see some of my characters from back when I played Star Trek Online, I paid for a LOT of cosmetics, Deanna Troi and Seven of Nines outfits for my female toon for one, tribbles, other sorts of NON GAME AFFECTING nonsense I paid for, but the INSTANT anything hints at game affecting <aside from prettiness> THAT is where the slope starts.

IF squad started adding in new mission packs and asked for donations, I would be all over that like white on rice. One game I was looking forward too MechWarrior Online < I am a HUGE battletech fan> started out where victory was 100% skill based, now? well, lets just say I have not played MWO in about a year its gotten so bad.

as to must PAY for DLC for KSP? I am not sure how I would react to it, they are a small company to be sure, but, it all depends on how much I am being asked to spend for the DLC. BUT, it can go wrong in a big way, especially if they said: In order to play multiplayer <something I am hesitant on in the first place with KSP> I MUST have X DLC, then, at that point, I wave good bye to a game I love and find something else to play. This will hold true even if I do not participate in any multiplayer aspects of this game. That sir or ma'am will be the straw that breaks this camels back.

As long as there is no exclusive game content for people who pay more... There is nothing more frustrating than getting beaten by some rich nerd, who simply bought exclusive ingame stuff, others could not afford. Buy now and get the exclusive LV-6X engine... An absolute no go.

But i find nothing wrong in supporting SQUAD with buying nice merchandise or little extra programs like the kerbalizer.

I bought a game that has some exclusive in game stuff that will decidedly affect my game experience, but, provides me 0 advantage over others. 1 item helps me ONLY through level 10, the others are cosmetic items and a few assorted mounts, but given that traveling is this game I speak of, is readily available and 100% simple, AND people get mounts any way, its not game breaking advantageous for me lol. just makes me look well, slightly different hehe

Edited by AlamoVampire
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