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Landing Effects

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Dust clouds only happen on bodies with atmosphere.

I respectfully disagree. Now, they aren't technically clouds, but dust does kick up (and falls right back) :)


Effects like these could certainly improve immersion...all for it if it isn't too hard to code and/or taxing on resources.

Edited by Ravenchant
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Didn't I see a hint about this in yesterday's devnote? Is this what Mike meant by "surface effects" or is that something different?

Those surface effects would be natural phenomena like geysirs f.e.

Landing (and launch) effects would be really great. I bet something like this will come for sure, when the gameplay is fully established.

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I respectfully disagree. Now, they aren't technically clouds, but dust does kick up (and falls right back) :)


Effects like these could certainly improve immersion...all for it if it isn't too hard to code and/or taxing on resources.

With all respect, these effects are so tiny I believe most people would be disappointed in them because they'd expect dust to stay in the air just like it does on Earth.

But after watching some

I admit that liftoff (and landing) appear to have some large enough scale effects that might be nice to have implemented. The interesting bit is that the ground camera does see dust "cloud", but nothing can be seen from the lunar module. The effect is probably just a thin ring (like Saturn's rings) of flying dust, so the ground camera's view is obscured because it is looking through the "mass" of the ring.

Even in this case I think many people might be disappointed by the result, if implemented realistically.

Edited by Kasuha
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Well, the effects in KSP are far from being realistic f.e. sounds and explosions in space. When bringing in such effects, there is nothing wrong with making them feel good instead of making em realistic, i think.

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