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My image doesn't show up?


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So I saw this post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/73051-Rockets

and decided to give him a helping hand. However, when I used the %7Boption%7D thingy to insert my image (http://imgur.com/59GqmHc),

it doesn't appear. Also if I used the

For example:

[imgUR]http://imgur.com/59GqmHc">Javascript is disabled. View full album

I'm sorry, I'm still getting hold of how forums work. I usually lurk instead of posting something. :sealed:

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So I saw this post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/73051-Rockets

and decided to give him a helping hand. However, when I used the p><p>it doesn

For example:

%7Boption%7Dhttp://i.imgur.com/59GqmHc.jpg' alt='59GqmHc.jpg'>

I'm sorry, I'm still getting hold of how forums work. I usually lurk instead of posting something. :sealed:

Fixed it for you. But yes, just copy the BBC code that imgur gives you when you click the image. Also to insert an album use [ IMGUR ] (Album Shortcut goes here) [ /IMGUR ] The album Shortcut is everything after the last slash in the URL. (And also without the extraneous spaces between brackets.

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after uploading your image, copy the bb code on the right and paste it into your post

no need to bother with the insert image button.

Fixed it for you. But yes, just copy the BBC code that imgur gives you when you click the image. Also to insert an album use [ IMGUR ] (Album Shortcut goes here) [ /IMGUR ] The album Shortcut is everything after the last slash in the URL. (And also without the extraneous spaces between brackets.

Omg. I didn't notice that. o.o

I'm so blind. :blush:

Anyways thank you good sirs!

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What are the options for image hosting? I think I saw google docs mentioned but I'm not sure?

Or is the answer use imgur like everyone else ;)

Imgur is preferred for it's ability to hotlink entire albums, useful for mission reports or challenges.

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One other thing that can cause the error. If you are using a free account, you are limited to the number of images you can have available on Imgur for upload to web sites. Once you exceed that limit, older images are no longer available via your links to websites. They are not lost, they just won't be available until you delete some active ones.

The solution is to sign up for a paid yearly subscription which is actually quite inexpensive compared to other hosting sites.

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