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The general "Hidden Tips of KSP"

The Destroyer

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Since my previous thread was old, died, bumped, and locked, I figured it might be a good idea to have a main post of all the hidden secrets (well, not really, just not really known)

1: Alt+, or . will physical warp in space. Good for long burns.

2: Ever double click on the map view and focus on some planet? Press backspace to return to ship!

3: Tab and shift tab will cycle through planets in map.

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4. You can look from windows by double clicking them in IVA.

5. Docking mode is awesome for driving rovers making them more stable.

gawd, i didnt know this

must try it when i get back home


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8. Holding SHIFT in the VAB/SPH and then using the WASD keys to rotate parts rotates them in increments of 5 degrees instead of 90. Great for curved bits of armor and designing wings for spaceplanes.

9. The IJKL and HN keys can be used for RCS translation. If you hit H you thrust toward your nose, and N is aft. I pushes the prograde marker down on the Navball, K pushes it up, J to the left, and L to the right.

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