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Put pictures of your favourite rockets that you've built.

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Not a rocket per se, but of my greatest achievements nonetheless:

The HS-830 Hercules SSTO

HS stands for "Hybrid Spacecraft"; 8 and 3 refer to the number of engines: 8 turbojets and 3 rockets. I built it before the addition of the RAPIER engine, hence the need for multiple engine types. It was able to carry 15 kerbals into orbit with fuel to spare. I probably could have made it more efficient, but I figured that if you're bringing 15 kerbals to space, you should do it with style.


More in line with the "rocket" theme, we have my as-historically-accurate-as-possible-with-stock Mun mission spacecraft:

I avoided asparagus staging (at least in the launcher), and included such historical touches as an escape tower on the upper stage, a small manned rover, and a lander that re-docks with the command module before transferring crew and being discarded. No science equipment as the mission was pre-Research and Development.


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My workhorse, the Draco 1:



Fully capable of getting a Mk. 1-2 command pod with the SDHI service module system most of the way to Minmus or the Mun (the SM handles about 600m/s of the TMI burn), it's a simple two-stage launcher made with KW parts to reduce part count. For missions to LKO or MKO the second stage has on-board guidance and enough battery power to self-deorbit, but that hardly gets used these days. My heavy lift launch vehicle is the Draco Heavy (not pictured), which is basically a Falcon Heavy analogue to the Draco 1's Falcon 9. The Draco Heavy has enough oomph to get the second stage plus around 20 tons of payload to Minmus orbit, and comes in 2 and 3+ meter payload varieties. Eventually I'd like to make a "Draco 1.1" with "reusable" stages like the Falcon 9 1.1, but that's a ways off.

Edited by TerLoki
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This is my main lifter rocket family: shown, the Clover mk. V carrying the standard Fuel Tanker mk. IV.

I haven't actually been able to improve the Clover V. It's variants the Heavy and Hex are able to carry anything under 75 tons into LKO as long as it can fit on the decoupler. Reliable and simple, and I've flown... let's see now... probably in the order of 200 launches with it.

It's a testament, I think, to my ability to build robust and reliable.

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My favourite projects as a noob are the ones that were the most fun and exciting.

First shuttle, very simple design. Launching a tiny sat, i was completely baffled it worked and landed back xD


First ever duna mission, no mainsails or nukes, just engine clusters and lots of boosters.


First apollo-style mission to the mun with a lab.


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  • 2 weeks later...

An Atlas V 501 I made in RSS. It could send 9t into LEO, and 3t to GTO. I used it to send a satellite to Duna(which, because of RSS, is a lot harder to reach). With a 3t payload, it has roughly 15,800 m/s of delta-V.


Antares & Cygnus. Antares launches roughly 3.2t to LEO. Cygnus weighs roughly that, although I had to make adjustments so that I could use StretchyTanks with TacLifeSupport, so that it seemed practical. With Cygnus, it has about 10,450 m/s of delta-V.


Here is a video of the Antares launch. I never bothered with an Atlas V 501 launch, since it has no practical use outside of launching satellites, which in themselves have no practical use either, so it felt kind of pointless to make a video.

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