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My Little Pony Megathread


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  Sordid said:

What the balls is that!? :D

That seems to be a fan-made MLP vs Touhou crossover game for StepMania (there is a download link in the video). I was kind of expecting a MUGEN game ;P

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  iamwearingpants said:

The version I made was created as an exercise for my ears, just thought it would be nice to post it here.

Would be cool to put it in Minecraft though. I\'ll do that tomorrow :D


I\'m just that good...

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  Caesar15 said:

i think i am turning into a brony...just watching an episode to prov somebody that\'s its gay didn\'t work, I am on episode 4 right now (S1)



Second, that is one of the main stumbling blocks for non-bronies to understand why we like it, and you proved how closed-minded some people can be. You came in looking for proof that it\'s gay, and came out enjoying it. Congratulations for destroying it and for having a more processed opinion.


I am not saying that not liking the show is not a good opinion, I am saying that those who call it 'girly' and 'gay' have poorly formed views. If you experience it, and truly do not care for it, then I can respect that.

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