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Walking, Flying, Custom Replica T-Rex Mech[.23.5]


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Yeah I already added way more torque to the parts. That was my bad, they had the same as the cockpit, which was like 10. I'm currently trying to make a foot that thinks its a wheel, then cranking the braking torque way up. Hopefully the feet will work like in that picture, they will think they are wheels until you apply the brakes.

I'll send you the .craft with the additional torque. I added a realistic amount i think. In that pic you have one of the arms mirrored. Thats why it looks weird. You need to apply each arm individually without symmetry mode turned on

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And as for the load time I really don't know what to say. It is just a little slower than normal on mine. And like I said, still better fps than my gundam. Anyway, I'm off the bar so I doubt I'll get back to this tonight. Here's my code for the .cfg, it loads it as a wheel but doesn't load the MuMechServo Module. Can you not call that inside another Module?

When I get back at it I'll switch it around and try to code a wheel inside an MuModule part. Thoughts?

name = WheelFoot
module = Part
author = Squad

mesh = NewModel.mu
scale = 2.3
rescaleFactor = 2.3

node_stack_top = 0.0, 0, 0.1, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3

TechRequired = advancedMotors
entryCost = 11200

cost = 1200
category = Utility
subcategory = 0
title = brake foot
manufacturer = Kerbal Motion LLC
description = The RoveMax Model 3 was developed in total secrecy by Kerbal Motion's R&D team over the course of a year and a half. When it was finally revealed to the company's chairman, he stared in shock, screamed 'WHY', and subsequently dropped dead on the spot.

attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1

mass = 3
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.15
angularDrag = 1.5
crashTolerance = 150
breakingForce = 99999
breakingTorque = 99999
maxTemp = 1200

explosionPotential = 0

name = ModuleWheel
hasMotor = false
resourceName = ElectricCharge
resourceConsumptionRate = 2
canSteer = true
controlAxisType = Forward
steeringModeType = TankSteer
tankSteeringTorque = 0.5
brakeTorque = 999
brakeSpeed = 5
impactTolerance = 800
overSpeedDamage = 30
wheelName = wheel
wheelColliderName = wheelCollider
suspensionTransformName = suspensionTraverse
suspensionNeutralPointName = suspensionNeutralPoint
damagedObjectName = bustedwheel
rotateX = 1
rotateY = 0
rotateZ = 0

key = 0 150 0 0
key = 13 90 0 0
key = 13.5 0 0 0


key = 0 150 0 0
key = 3 100 0 0
key = 6 70 0 0
key = 15 10 0 0
key = 15.5 0 0 0

name = MuMechServo

specPower = 0.1
rimFalloff = 3
alphaCutoff = 0

rotateJoint = True
rotateAxis = 1, 0, 0
keyRotateSpeed = 20.0
rotateLimits = True
rotateMin = -90.0
rotateMax = 90.0
rotateLimitsRevertKey = False
jointSpring = 0
jointDamping = 0
onActivate = False
rotateKey = up
revRotateKey = down
fixedMesh = Base
servoName = Foot
invertSymmetry = False
motorSndPath = MagicSmokeIndustries/Sounds/infernalRoboticMotor // Motor loop sound path


Bus edit: the wheel code probably has to go inside the mumechservo, as that's how I created a rotating engine

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I'm on board with that theory. Its just that my macbook is so old and low powered I assume I'm at the lower end of kerbal players, and its playable. I'll try and dedetail the parts. I could use some help though

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I'll look into that. But my macbook has a 2.3 ghz processor with 4 gigs of ram. I sent a flying .craft to uynohaveavaliable and he says with his 8 gigs of ram its too slow. It doesn't make sense

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I'm running a i7 with 12gb of ram and a GTX660. Still my computer can't go over 2fps in the VAB, and needs several seconds until it goes well in the runway. After it "finished" loading, I can get a stable 20-25fps

PLaying the animations (Action group 1 and 2) makes everything ABSOLUTLY laggy again, but after it's finished, it instantly get's back to 20fps

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It's so good to have modders arround :P

If we know the problem, it's a matter of dealing with it!

What I don't get is why clown baby is able to play with average fps, and many of us cant!. I made some videos yesterday, I might convert a GFY just so I can illustrate my lack of fps during some periods

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Thats what I don't understand. This is running the tail animation, feet animation, head animation, 6 separate scythe opening animatons, and 4 separate parts calling the IR plugin. Also it's recording


The video in the original post also gives a good example of it on my computer

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I assume I'm able to disable physics calculation for meshes? Skipping over things like the teeth would probably make it run much smoother. Or does it calculate physics for parts as a whole? I'll look into it

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^way too many polygons man, get rid of those teeth on the blades, all the little embossments on the parts, that's like 4/5 of your polygons gone right there. you can make it look pretty after it's functional

I took a closer look at the craft you sent me, it`s going to be a lot of tedious work, but in theory you can make this work. this should be enough to get you started:


First thing I did was I labeled the servos to indicate which side they belong to. To walk you need to combine two motions: raising the leg, and moving forward (natural flexibility of the parts/joints allows you to turn using sas torque). To raise the leg you use the lower leg and middle leg servos, to move forward you use the hip and foot servos. I grouped the servos so that when you raise one leg, the other leg scoots forward. also, very important, action group 0 is set to center the two middle servos (raise leg) and action group 9 is set to center the two outer servos (move forward), activate both when you launch this thing. To walk you just alternate pressing 2 and 4 with the right timing (I Think I posted the script I used for my mk3 walker earlier in the thread), the legs re-center automatically.

I only tried walking the dinobot with the values shown in the pic, and it kinda worked, but it walked backwards, very slowly. To get it working right, you need to play around with the servo limits, the COM, the contact points on the foot, the angle of the foot relative to the rest of the craft, the speed of the servos, the timing in the script, reduce the overall weight of the craft, etc.

have fun!

Edited by Parallax
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Yeah I already started in blender. Its a pain in the ass though. And mind numbingly boring. So it might take me a couple days, but I appreciate the effort man. I'll hook up you with a new craft when it runs smoother

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Well I took out a bunch of meshes, compressed the rest in unity, and wrote them as the "smallest" mu file. I think it runs pretty smooth but I sent it off to m1sz, so we'll see what he thinks. I can do more to make it run smoother, but I can't find the blender file for the head so I would have to redo it. If he thinks it runs ok I'll send it off to the rest of you.

It's also smaller and lighter.

Anyway, I added these rockets too. It really is way smoother, my fps just plummets when I record.




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Well I changed the textures to tile only once instead of a 100 times or whatever and that doesn't seem to have really helped. I also removed the cast and receive shadows for a lot of the meshes.

Does anyone know what the smallest texture format in unity is to write the .mu file? I've been used TGA_smallest but maybe the one that just says "smallest" is lower? What about the shader setting? I've been setting them as ksp/specular but maybe some of the other ones will run smoother?

I still have to redo the head but because I can't find the .blend file I have to reanimate it before I can change it to TGA_smallest. Maybe that will help still, but I dono.

Anyone have any other suggestions as how to make a .craft run smoother?

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Sure. But from what I can tell they're pretty much the same thing. It blew everyones mind in the chat that I was using mesh colliders. But I don't know what the other option is. Maybe they thought I was applying it to the whole part, but I just apply convex colliders to a couple individual meshes

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So it seems to work if I add the mesh collider, but don't click "convex". Whats the difference. Can I just do that for all the parts?

edit: convex seems to have to deal with ground collisions

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