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Origins of the Kraken?


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Now that we've discovered the origins of the "MOAR BOOSTERS!" line, it's time for the next great hunt for the origins of some of our lore...


We've all either encountered Him, or seen someone encounter Him, whether the benign "tumble the ship around" Kraken or the Hell Kraken that loves to tear your ships apart. But why do we call this phenomenon the Kraken? When did we first realize that we are not alone in the Kerbal universe? :P

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The original Deep Space Kraken was an actual game bug that caused your ship to rotate, and eventually be ripped apart as you reached higher speeds... All ships were basically uncontrollable in solar orbit (hence the "Deep Space" title). This was finally fixed in .17.

Now it's mainly just a thing to blame all our failures on.

Here's a video from Scott Manley: (Kraken attack is at the end)

Edited by RocketPilot573
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Wait where did the MOAR BOOSTERS LINE COME from? link please

also The kerbals made the kraken... did you not see the .21 intro trailer where one brought in a squid for science research but was incidentally dropped in to nuclear waste and sent to space?

let me see if i can find the vid

Edited by Tidus Klein
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A bit like the world maps of old... with "here be monsters" Ships going too far out away from land had a tendency to disappear... and the people of the time imagined sea monsters were the cause.

In KSP in times of old (pre .17) if you ventured too far out into space your ship could spontaneously explode... The parallels with old sea monsters is obvious and hence the Space Kraken.

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Hah! All these people who joined in 2013 don't even know it, I remember when they first said they "fixed the Kraken", what a load.

Maybe some of those people (cough, me, cough) joined before 2013, but had our accounts wiped? Or, maybe, we did our research, or looked around on the forums?

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Maybe some of those people (cough, me, cough) joined before 2013, but had our accounts wiped? Or, maybe, we did our research, or looked around on the forums?

The amount of people who had their accounts wiped are a minority compared to the people who actually joined in 2013.

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There are also those of us who have been playing since 1.7 but didn't take an active interest in the forums (lurking) until recently. Also while we are on the topic of krakens the difference between the Warp and Hell kraken (The warp kraken's description sounds like a less detailed version of the hell kraken) is that the Warp kraken does not jam the altimeter at 666,666 or remove the nav-ball (it does **** out though). I hope you all appreciate that discovery of this kraken came at the expense of my first ever Mun base ;.;

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In 1.7 I used a Tiberius spaceplane to get to orbit. Timewarp for a while...the nose falls off. Leading to a lack of control, leading to a spin in the atmosphere, leading to a nice fiery ball on Kerbin's plains region...Crew survived though:D

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Wait where did the MOAR BOOSTERS LINE COME from? link pleases

More boosters has really been something that was around since the beginning way back in version .7 (June of 2011 If I remember)

With only a small handful of parts to choose from, if you didn't get to space you needed more boosters.

Anyways, this is from an old challenge from September of 2011 with r4m0n showing off more boosters:


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The original Deep Space Kraken was an actual game bug that caused your ship to rotate, and eventually be ripped apart as you reached higher speeds... -snip-

I never had it rip a vessel apart. You had to be going very fast for that to happen. For the most part it made the craft uncontrollable.

Like many hurdles in the development of KSP, "The Kraken" was a floating point issue. If memory serves, vessels are rigid bodies, with velocity and forces calculated for each part. At high velocities, you would lose precision. This resulted in the phantom forces rolling the vessel.

It was fixed with "Krakensbane". Which cancelled out the high velocity by making the universe move, while the vessel remained slow relative to the scene origin.

Read it all here : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/12-Krakensbane

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OK since noone has the nous to bribe me to tell the story I will tell you anyway, but I still want mi pint o' rum arrr, it all began long long ago....

Originally the term "Kraken" was coined to distinguish the twisting movement which occurred when a ship left Kerbin SOI from the CTD resulting from a Space Dragon attack.

Space Dragon (named after the MoO1 star system exploration hazard) was not a famous bug, as it only used to crash your PC when you went too far beyond the sun. This was before Kerbin was given an orbit, when the sun had no gravity but was a body and you could timewarp past it, see Solar Explorer link in sig. In those days few dared to venture that far from Kerbin as they knew well enough that "there be dragons".

So after star orbit was added entering Kerbol orbit increased your speed relative to the SOI dramatically causing the floating point twist aka Kraken, a new kind of monster for a new kind of cosmos. For some reason having an asparagus ship made the Kraken much worse, so it would even attack when orbiting Kerbin.

Someone who wishes to remain nameless (ok it was me) dedicated several arduous minutes to reporting this bug and in subsequent discussion dubbed it the Kraken to distinguish it from the Space Dragon partly in celebration of Capt Skunky's pirate chimp avatar which looked most piratical and also in memory of poor Davey Jones' pet in Pirates of the Caribbean which was popular at the time and implicated in the global warming / flying spaghetti monster debate which raged through conspiracy theory threads in forums across the world and inspired much existential deliberation and mud flinging.

Kraken has been hated and cursed by space mariners for many a season, hunted to extinction, some even called it innappropriate. But from one small act of innocent meme engineering many offspring have sprung and the name Kraken is now known throughout the Kerbal universe as the true source of all our woes.

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I never had it rip a vessel apart. You had to be going very fast for that to happen. For the most part it made the craft uncontrollable.

Like many hurdles in the development of KSP, "The Kraken" was a floating point issue. If memory serves, vessels are rigid bodies, with velocity and forces calculated for each part. At high velocities, you would lose precision. This resulted in the phantom forces rolling the vessel.

It was fixed with "Krakensbane". Which cancelled out the high velocity by making the universe move, while the vessel remained slow relative to the scene origin.

Read it all here : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/12-Krakensbane

Take a probe core, attache a mainsail to it.

Put it on the Launch Pad, press alt+f12.

Hack Gravity and select infinite fuel.

throttle up, activate the mainsail and go straight for specific time.

Sooner or later the Kraken will eat you alive ;)

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I never had it rip a vessel apart. You had to be going very fast for that to happen. For the most part it made the craft uncontrollable.

Like many hurdles in the development of KSP, "The Kraken" was a floating point issue. If memory serves, vessels are rigid bodies, with velocity and forces calculated for each part. At high velocities, you would lose precision. This resulted in the phantom forces rolling the vessel.

It was fixed with "Krakensbane". Which cancelled out the high velocity by making the universe move, while the vessel remained slow relative to the scene origin.

Read it all here : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/12-Krakensbane

Does that mean we are playing a simulation of Futurama? :P

I mean it's not too far off, I do end up by the end of career mode being a delivery boy for refueling stations more often than I land on moons and planets haha.

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