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Is ARM out yet?

Guest Fyre Flare

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They are part of the media team who get a pre-release to show off. Not out yet unfortunately. HOC posted a video also saying it will be released at the end of the stream, but Yargnit on KSPTV has just said that this is incorrect. :)

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NO it is not out yet.

No date is announced.

HOC is changing his video as it is incorrect.

There is a 24 hour stream going on now with .23.5 (ARM) many if not all of the streamers and youtubers are also part of the testing team and even if they aren't they're part of the media recognized by squad to be given the test build for this media marketing event.

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no it is not out yet.

There is a 24 hour stream going on now with .23.5 (arm) many if not all of the streamers and youtubers are also part of the testing team and even if they aren't they're part of the media recognized by squad to be given the test build for this media marketing event.

wait what! Google twitch now!

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