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Kerbals can transfer eva fuel

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now with the implementation of limited eva fuel, it would be nice to instead of having a kerbal run out of eva fuel and be stranded you can send a buddy up to him, right click and give him some fuel, that's all i have to say, sorry for such a short thread but ill be happy to elaborate at a later time, thanks! :sticktongue:

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I heard there was originally intent for EVA Kerbals to be able to hold hands and transfer EVA fuel that way but apparently it was not implemented. When in space, though, it is possible to navigate the ship carefully to get a ladder within his reach and get him enter a pod where his propellant is refilled.

Of course easiest way to save him is to get the command chair near because he can enter it from greater distance than he can grab a ladder.

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Or just grab em with the upcoming ARM claw and pump em full of fuel and then... oh sorry...

I think it would be nice to let kerbals exchange stuff like EVA fuel or at least let them grab another kerbal for rescue reasons.

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I hate to be that guy, but umbilical cord anyone?

No! be that guy, that could actually be a good unlock node, where at first you must research eva suit and umbilical cord then suits with life support but still have to be tethered then you can unlock the suits we have today, and along the way you unlock things like ways to tether objects to your kerbals or kas stuff added in, and maybe when you click eva, there will be the normal option of letting go and boarding and an extra saying you want to hook up a cord/tether

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry for resurrecting this thread (Still from this year! ;) ) but EVA tether for refueling and life support (if modded for such) would be great for extended outside missions. Would it be something like KAS?

The latest updates to the Final Frontier ribbon-granting mod has ribbons for multi-hour (and longer) EVAs, which would be impossible with current LS mods. ;)

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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