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Renaming a Save File

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1. Mods: I am unsure if this is support, as it is more of a question prior to ARM being given to us, so, please, feel free to relocate this to SUPPORT if this belongs there.

2. Just a quick question to ANYONE who knows this one.

Okay, here is the question. When ARM comes out, I want to rename my current SANDBOX and CAREER modes with their current name and: PRE ARM added to them. Will this break my saves if I try to do this, or should the game be able to cope if I do this and then load as normal?

Edited by AlamoVampire
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In general the safest approach is probably to install each new KSP release in separate folder. Then you can just copy your old saves and you still have original files in case something goes wrong.

Apart of that, just renaming the save folder should do the job and not break anything. I download other people's persistent.sfs into a new save folder pretty often and they always work.

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In general the safest approach is probably to install each new KSP release in separate folder. Then you can just copy your old saves and you still have original files in case something goes wrong.

Apart of that, just renaming the save folder should do the job and not break anything. I download other people's persistent.sfs into a new save folder pretty often and they always work.

My KSP is via steam and it autoupdates. Good to know a file name change wont break anything thanks Kashua

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In your Steam library, rightclick KSP, choose properties, and in the window that pops up you can find a tab where you can set the game to "never automatically update".

But aside from that, saving your existing Steam installation is as simple as making a new folder and copying (not moving, copying) the entire installation directory into it. You can then start it via the .exe file and it will continue to work as it always did. Thus you can let Steam update all it wants, while still retaining your old installation in a separate directory.

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My KSP is via steam and it autoupdates. Good to know a file name change wont break anything thanks Kashua

You can still copy the entire KSP map and put it somewhere else, it'll work just fine.

This way you'll have 2 KSP games, and thus 2 versions (once the steam map updates)

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im going to do a test shortly based on what Kashua said <yea, gonna back up persistent and quicksave just incase> and try a save file rename to make sure its okay, otherwise, I will take the other suggestion here and do a full out copy before 23.5 hits :) will report my findings :) :)

UPDATE: Save File Renamed, no apparent damage. Again, Thank you all.

Edited by AlamoVampire
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Yes, renaming save directories works just fine. I have done it many, many times. You can also create multiple copies of a single save game and simply rename the folder (before you try something catastrophic in that save...). I have not yet run into any problems doing that.

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right now, I have 2 saves that I am renaming: Test Box and Career Test Box, funny thing is, on that first one, I did NOT intend it to become my main <well, former main> sand box lol, it will be missed. I am HOPING that once the sandbox is operational with the asteroids I can do a mass copy/paste of the other save files persistent and quick saves to bring all my missions over, otherwise, its re-launch madness :S

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