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KSP in "ciel et espace"( a french magazine on astronomy)!


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Like the title say, KSP was mentioned in a article which was talking on six space related games(KSP was the second one).

If you want to know, it's the magazine of march 2014 page 45.

Note: when I turned the page 43(going to the pages 44-45) the first thing I saw was the two screens of KSP, after I recovered from my surprise, I read the article and took a picture of it(it's a great souvenir to keep ;) ).

PS: the article wasn't negating that failure( i.e crashes and explosions) was a very important part of the game.

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I took a picture of the article and one of the front page of the magazine(to remember which one it was); just after that I made this tread ;)

Now I just have to figure out how to transfer the picture from my phone to my computer, I will then have to post it on imgur(I think I have an account there, but I'm not sure).

I'm just saying that so you know it will probably take a long time before you can see it(sorry).

EDIT 1: I figured out how to do the transfer(520 photos, 12,7 GB in total). we just have to wait until it finished!

Edited by goldenpeach
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Yes, it was that article but the one in the magazine was longer, i'm currently transferring my photos to post an image of the page of the magazine where there is that article.


here's the picture of the article and the picture of the front page of the magazine.



Edited by goldenpeach
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This is great! I always like seeing KSP cropping up quirky little places like this. Gonna visit the local media center during an upcoming holiday and see if they've got it there :wink: to my knowledge, they've got everything there. I'll post an image of it somewhere if it is there - probably in a blog somewhere. Keep your eyes peeled!

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