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KSP ARM Parts list (SPOILER)


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So everyone is drool over the new parts so i just had to put them on a thread to drool over them even more :)

Asteroids - That's obvious, classes A-E

Kerbodyne S3-3600 Tank - about half a orange tank


Kerbodyne S3-7200 Tank - about one orange tank


Kerbodyne S3-14400 Tank - about two orange tanks


S3 KS 25X4 Engine Cluster - 3200 KN


Kerbodyne KR-2L Advanced Engine - 2500 KN


LFB KR 1x2 - 2000 KN


S1 SRB-KD25K -650 KN 2500 Solid Fuel


KR-38-D - De coupler


Kerbodyne ADTP-2-3 - Size 2-3 adapter


Advanced Grabbing Unit - Grab stuff


Launch Escape System - Escape stuff


Also note that the Ion engine has 4x more thrust and 4x less electricity usage.

Also thrust on LV-1 and LV-1R has been increased.

Feel free to add to/comment/grammar police this post.

Please give all picture credit to UmbralRaptor

Edited by travis575757
Added LES
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Anyone curious if Rockomax is gonna get upset because Kerbodyne is now making the biggest rocket parts.

Introducing the newest product line from Rockomax, the SYK or "Screw You Kerbodyne!" series of rocket components, so large even Jebidiah hesitated to use them for about half a second

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Have some pics. (from the streams and preview videos. Stats subject to change, but probably not that much)















comments: The new tankage only have mass ratios of 8.2, somewhat worse than the 9 of the FL-T and rockomaxx series. The LV-1 and LV-1R are now up at LV-T45/Mk 55 TWR (interesting). The PB-ION uses less electricity, due to the ratio change (looks to be from 120:1 to 18:1 electricity:Xenon). The J-2 clone is a better Mainsail. The LFB appears to have been designed by adding an orange tank worth of fuel to a "normal" engine (stats are somewhat like the quad RS-25 clone), but the effect is equivalent to an orange tank attached to an engine with a TWR of 102(!). Have fun with it.

Edited by UmbralRaptor
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Would love to see mass and ISP for the new engines along with the thrust already provided.

Also full and empty tank masses. That way I can have craft excel designed when the update drops.

Edited by Rocket Farmer
Terrible spelling
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Shouldn't this be in my ARM megathread?

I say no, as that thread has devolved into "Is it here, yet?" over and over. And the daily "Will it be today?". Soon to be followed by "I'm downloading it now!" and "I can't download it!"

Not your fault, happens with every release.

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Let's see. With one KR-2L engine, five jumbo fuel tanks, and 3.5 tonnes of payload, we get initial TWR 1.34 and 5070/6881 m/s of atmo/vacuum delta-v. That should be enough to land on Minmus and return back to Kerbin.

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