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Okay, so I'm new to a lot of the fiddly parts of Real Solar System (Realfuels in particular) and I'm having some problems which may be some combination of noobishness and botched installs. So, several issues:

-I've installed the configs for full-size earth solar system. However, they're only half working. Kerbin is larger but still looks like Kerbin (Eve/Venus looks like Eve, Jool/Jupiter looks like Jool). However, Duna looks like mars, the Jovian moons are displaying correctly, etc. How the heck does this happen, exactly? More importantly, what do I need to do to fix it?

-Noobishness here: I don't really get Realfuels. How do you set up tanks to fill in the correct ratio of fuel to oxidizer? Also, how to you configure engines to actually work

-More noobishness: I think I've installed the realism overhaul configs incorrectly, but I can't figure out how. Some of the rescaled engines are appearing, but the shifted nodes and such that are supposed to be there aren't. Not sure what's up with that.

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Ok for the first problem with planets sounds like you don't have the planet factory plugin, which will fix that issue.

Second question.

How do you setup your fuel tanks for the correct ratio of oxidizing fuel and other fuel.

Simple, you attach the engine you want, say one that uses Kerosene and liquid oxygen. After that engine is attached go to your tanks in the actions tab, and click on the tank, at the VERY bottom it will give you an option to add "33% liquid oxygen and 67% kerosene" or whatever the mix is for that engine.

Third question...

No clue I am leaving that one to someone with more experience than myself.

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And for the third question, make sure you have ONE AND ONLY ONE of the following engines cfgs. Either SFJBRealEngines, RftSEngines, or StockEngines.

Check your RO folder to make sure you have only one of them.

^^^^^^Someone more experienced^^^^^^^


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Okay, I only had SFJBRealEngines installed in the first place--didn't install any other configs.

Also, KW engines are working correctly (rescaled and re-statted), igniting, and allowing me to add the correct fuel mixture. However, the other KW parts that should be rescaled (fairings and tanks) are not rescaling. Not sure how that's happening.

Also, PlanetFactory is successfully installed--the orbits have changed, and some planets (Mercury, Mars and the Jovian moons) are displaying correctly as they should with PF.

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