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100% First person view?

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Sorry if this has been suggested before!

I think it would be fun to have a better ability to do entire missions in first person view.

Imagine the challenge of landing a lander using only the window and the navball/instruments.

Or imagine your big 400 tonne spaceship which currently takes about 25cm of screen space, suddenly seems colossal as you EVA from the cockpit at the front to a lander in the rear.

It could really make the game more immersive.

But the requirements for that would be a readable in-cockpit map, easier to read instruments, some way to see the distance to other ships, and a new camera part, which you would put all around the ship so you could see the status for staging etc during launch.

I don't think its likely we would get it, as it would be hard to use for novices and squad probably have more important things to do! But I can dream.

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