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[1.2.2](Dec10/16) Action Groups Extended: 250 Action Groups, in-flight editing. Now kOS/RemoteTech


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I like this mod, and I'm just beginning to use it now. Two thoughts:

First, is there a way to re-hide unneeded windows when they appear in the editor? In clicking through the consoles in order to familiarize myself (I just installed in yesterday) causes screen-clutter regret. Or, at any rate, it's entirely not clear to me how to close these windows, if there's a function already to do so.

Second, what about designing a bit of a tutorial, possibly a YouTube video tutorial? I read the OP in this thread, and yes, that gave me some idea as to what each button was called, but it doesn't give me ideas for how to use this mod and leverage its abilities. (I admit that with further updates and features, a tutorial might be a tad premature since it would become obsolete rather quickly. But as it stands right now, I know that I'm only aware of how to use like 5% of what this mod can do, and until I get better at it, it feels kind of bloaty.)

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The most 'unneeded' windows open when you click the 'edit' button. Click it again to hide them :-)

BTW - if people want more documentation I am (sweat, fingers-crossed) coming to the end of my current project and am more than happy to offer my services as a technical author.

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Edit: Disregard, this is not a bug with AGExt but appears to be a result of copying over just the AGExt folder and plugin into the gamedata folder. Rather than having the file structure as Gamedata/Diazo/AGExt. In short, as Yilmas said its simply user error.

I believe I can elaborate on the bug Yilmas has experienced. I've run into the same problem and it took hours of troubleshooting to find the cause as AGExt seemed like the least likely suspect at first. Recently I updated all my mods and found that like Yilmas I was unable to place anything after the first item placed in the VAB. Nothing could be attached radially, nothing inline, the extraplanetary launchpads mod would increase the tonnage of the ship as if the part was added but it would not add the part to the ship. I believe it was the FAR update I downloaded that included an update for ModuleManager.2.0.5.dll. AGExt.dll works fine with ModuleManager.1.5.6, no issues in VAB at all. Upgrading to 2.0.5 seems to break the game, consistently on my end. I hope this info helps lead to a fix in the near future. Because, quite honestly, your mod is everything that action groups should be in KSP. Thank you for your time.

Edited by Stoder
Intended to report a bug, only managed to show my inability to properly copy over a mod from one folder to another.
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Sorry, but it was a user error.... "Install to GameData/Diazo/.../"...

Always forgets that some modders dont use the general naming convention when naming mods/file-structures...

Anyway, good job with the mod itself...

Edited by Yilmas
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I think I found a small bug working with the Kethane Addon. In the VAB or SPH when setting groups for the Kethane Converter, I can set different action groups for "Toggle Liquid Fuel " and "Toggle Oxidizer", but when I get out to the launchpad they all change to "Toggle Liquid Fuel".

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After reading your post I had to double check and run all of the tests again and it looks like I need to make a retraction. Yup, its entirely user error. Somehow, while updating my mods and installing new ones managed to copy the AGExt folder into the game data folder rather than Diazo/AGExt. So yeah, completely user error on both our parts.


I hope I didn't end up wasting any of your time tracking down a bug that doesn't exist. The one silver lining to all this is now I've got all the other mods I was having a blast with and AGExt all at the same time. My game is beginning to feel perfect. Thanks again for all of your effort Diazo. Keep up the good work.

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First thing: fantastic mod. Wouldn't go back to stock now unless forced to.

However, I can't get joystick button assignments to work. I click the 'joystick' button, then click for the relevant button assignment. But it assigns whatever key was in that position on the keyboard page, not the joystick button. E.g. I choose 'joystick 7' but it assigns 'slash' (or similar - don't remember layout for sure).

Not a deal breaker by any means, as I can always use an AutoHotkey script to assign joystick buttons to key presses anyway. Searched this thread and found no other mention of joysticks at all, so I thought I'd mention it.

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Works wonderfully, fantastic mod. It's gotten rid of a huge headache I had in assembling a combo mission to Jool in orbit. The whole thing with group names not sticking when edited in-flight is a minor annoyance, but not the end of the world. Wouldn't mind seeing the Kerbal launcher bug in action, though :P

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I think I found a small bug working with the Kethane Addon. In the VAB or SPH when setting groups for the Kethane Converter, I can set different action groups for "Toggle Liquid Fuel " and "Toggle Oxidizer", but when I get out to the launchpad they all change to "Toggle Liquid Fuel".

Ive had that same problem before, I'm also having a problem with surface lights mod i cant use them with this mod for some reason I can set up the actions just like i do with every other part i use this mod with but it doesn't do anything for that mod alone?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great mod!

Is there a way to choose parts from a list of available parts with actions, like in AGM? I really like AGM, but it seems dead. This mod seems to have more potential, as well. I find it's suffering from usability problems, however - a perfect example would be an Infernal Robotics telescoping piston. Creating a three segmented-one and assigning their actions is somewhat painful...

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Gonna have to completely rebuild a craft now as I can no longer edit it in the VAB. Any time I try to move a part around (so I can add something between two parts in a stack, I can't 'let go' of the part I need to move out of the way. I bring this up here because whenever I try to 'let go' of a part the following is added to the output_log.txt file:

Input is null

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 53)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at ActionGroupsExtended.ModuleAGExtData.SaveActionGroups () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ActionGroupsExtended.ModuleAGExtData.OnSave (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at PartModule.Save (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ShipConstruct.SaveShip () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ShipConstruction.CreateBackup (.ShipConstruct ship) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at EditorLogic.SetBackup () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at EditorLogic.UpdatePartMode () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at EditorLogic.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

I've even gone and removed the AGX module entry from the craft file itself, yet the problem remains (is there more than one AGX module entry in a craft file?). Oddly, other ships that have AGX groups set up do not seem to have the issue. Should be noted that the craft in question uses KSPI, IR, KAS, and Procedural Parts (for fuel tanks), plus B9 lights, a battery from Near Future Propulsion, the FASA science parts, RealChutes, and the ALCOR pod...I think that's everything...it's a grand tour ship, meant to go to every planet, moon, etc, gather science, store it, clean up the science parts, and move on. Most of my other ships also have a mixture of these same parts but are not as massive or part heavy. Think this ship is ~200 parts or so...

Edit: I have managed to determine the cause of this issue. I had used MM to add the functionality of the stock mobile processing lab and materials bay to the KSPI science lab. When I discovered that these didn't play well together, I disabled the MM config. However, since some of my craft's AGX groups had the "Observe Materials Bay' action from the KSPI Science Lab, and that ability no longer existed, AGX encountered an error. I was unable to remove the action from within game, I had to manually edit it out of my craft file, as well as the persistence file as I'd already launched one of these craft. I would recommend that code be added to automatically remove actions assigned to groups that have such errors as soon as AGX loads on a craft, whether in the VAB/SPH, or flight.

Edited by Einarr
Identified and solved the root cause of the problem.
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I think I found a small bug working with the Kethane Addon. In the VAB or SPH when setting groups for the Kethane Converter, I can set different action groups for "Toggle Liquid Fuel " and "Toggle Oxidizer", but when I get out to the launchpad they all change to "Toggle Liquid Fuel".

I'm having a similar issue, but not with Kethane. It's occurring with science parts for me. In particular, the B9 Science Package (which is a single part that combines 4 stock science experiments into a single part). I've also modified the FASA Mini-Goo Radiometer to include an additional stock experiment as well. While I can assign all the various experiments to groups in the VAB/SPH, I've found that when I get in flight, they all revert to one of the available experiment types.

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Spaceport is now Curse. It hasn't been loaded on Curse yet. I was hoping someone had a link on github or dropbox that we could use until Diazo has time to upload it to Curse.

I second that!

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Alright, I'm back from the Real Life boonies and plan to start updating this again.

First, new download link up to my Google Drive. Note this is not yet an update, just a rehost of version 1.3

Second, my apologies for leaving the mod as rough as it is. I knew I would be disapearing for a while and rushed version 1.3 and it shows.

Know issues in priority order for me to fix:

1) In editor, after picking up an object with actions assigned, you sometimes can not place the piece down effectively locking the editor up as you can not free your mouse cursor. Fixed

2) Fix flight mode so if the scene loads with AGX hidden, action groups still work. Currently you have to show and then hide AGX to get action groups working. Fixed

3) Any changes made in flight mode do not save. You can make changes in flight mode but they are lost as soon as you switch to another vessel or leave the flight scene. Fixed

edit:3a)Small parts not selectable in flight scene to edit actions. Fixed

4) Action Names changing. I populate actions automatically and there seems to be some differences between editor and flight mode. (See post at top of the page.) Note that I can't guarantee I can fix this one.

5) Remove Modulemanager dependency. I can do what I need to in a cleaner fashion completely within my code.

6) Fix integration with the default 10 action groups. Ideally for smaller vessels you can use the default action group editor and only show mine for larger vessels.

7) Fix assigning Joystick buttons not working.

8) Add staging support for an action group. (Like spacebar, but allow multiple staging queues on different action groups)

Please let me know of anything else I've missed, or features you would like to see.


Edited by Diazo
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