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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club


Should carriers go first or by standard order  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. Should carriers go first or by standard order

    • Standard order
    • First

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Spartwo I'm against the current ruleset for carriers, In reality Carriers are the most heavily armoured ships out there and heavily armed with there own defence system, also they have range beyond missiles to in theory they should be attacking first before range closes...

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1- Not in KSP, You could just sit there with a Dreadnought (or 4 in my case) inside your hanger, mass limit permitting, and wait out the shots. this way carriers have a fair chance to be destroyed. Seeing how they are supposed to have the greatest range of any ship they should have no issues playing keepaway.

2- Balance issue and easiness to abuse Scythes can carry a fighter, that can make them a carrier.

3- I don't get that one, Fighters can be dispatched from anywhere.

I brought it to a vote (If I could re-open the poll though)

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You can put a bunch of panels on to circumvent that if you're so finicky about not having a plate hanger(which is the vast majority of the ships size).

@ScritKitt3h: She's online at least (and apparently watching the posts)

Edited by Spartwo
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@ScriptKitt3h: She's online at least (and apparently watching the posts)

Ok, I see. I'm just excited for a real ground battle, especially since I finally made a somewhat workable fleet of surface vehicles.

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I want to build a carrier that can hold a full-size cruiser or a handful of frigates inside.

@ScriptKitt3h- Every time I try to switch between the desert area and the space centre, the game crashes. I think lowering the settings might improve the issue.

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@ScriptKitt3h- Every time I try to switch between the desert area and the space centre, the game crashes. I think lowering the settings might improve the issue.

Ok, I see. I have settings on Default for Terrain Detail, so I can see the temple(s). Lowering the settings might improve the issue, but if not I can move my units to KSC-2.

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daeCorp forces arrive at the battlefield.

1x Vespid VTOL Fighter. I had a problem with them EXPLODING when I tried to Hyperedit them, so I only put one.


6x Stub Tank Destroyer. Sporting desert camo appropriate to the location.


It seemed like a good idea to take out artillery first, so a Stub came up the hill for a close-up shot.


After firing three times, the arty looked remarkably healthy.


I retreated to a relatively safe spot and angled my armour.



Edited by daemonCaptrix
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I made a light destroyer, that turned out to be the most effective ship in my fleet, it's called the 'Caesius' class and has 3 I-beams on each side, 2 I-beams on the bow and a single SRB (my first ship to use them) in-between the forward I-beams. She is based on my old 'Caesius' Class.


EDIT: Also, could someone tell me the coordinates for the desert temples because i really want to see them?

EDIT(Again): I decided to bring back an old prototype i made in .21 from my recycling bin, i refined it's VTOL capabilities and gave it basic armament, here's the result.


Edited by Megalodon 720
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So i decided to give the 'Majestic' class some weapons and got rid of the docking ports in the hanger (It's no longer a carrier although i still have the carrier variant) it comes in at ~350 parts so it doesn't cause too many problems.


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Im still on vacation but I am thinking of ideas to do when I get back

Im calling it the "Revival Program"

The goal is to go through all (or most) of my ships and decide which ones I ll keep around, which ones need updating, and which ones will be turned to scrap for other ships.

Plans right now include:

re-armoring the Faithful Class Corvette to make it lighter and have more powerful weapons.

Complete redesign of the Salvation Class Destroyer

Try to redue both frigates (if unsuccessful, scrap them)

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you have to download and install kerbpaint from HERE, then overwrite it with files from HERE and, finally, swap modulemanager.dll to THIS one.

At least this is what I have done and it works for me, although I'm using module manager 2.0.8, but for what I read, if you haven't installed it before it should work

EDIT: @Megalodon, I don't actually get it. So now you have poorly armored ship with a lot of wasted space inside, armed with only a few I-beams (I have the same amount on one of my fighters), clocking at 350 parts and it propably has some considerable weight. Where is the sense? o.O

Edited by Tarzan
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It was more of an exercise than an actual usable ship, it was to see if I could really turn a carrier into a ship that could fend for itself, it turned out quite well but you are right it is pointless in battle (unless ramming is allowed, in which case it can take out even the largest ships and take little damage) so I will probably make another ship that has more weapons and armour but is roughly the same size.

EDIT: Also, there is a few more weapons in the hanger that can be used during battle so my use of it's hanger Isn't too bad.

EDITEDIT: Also, (again) due to it being an exercise and not an actual ship for the company you won't find it in the Britannia weaponry thread.

Edited by Megalodon 720
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@Megalodon - what did you put inside? Also, I like "Caesius". Those tanks on the sides are ejectable? How do you stand with work and our battle?

@ScriptKitt3h - I like the idea, and I would like to participate in something like that, but I am terrible in ground vehicles and even worse in naval :<

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@ScriptKitt3h - I like the idea, and I would like to participate in something like that, but I am terrible in ground vehicles and even worse in naval :<

Ground vehicles aren't too hard- just make sure their frames are primarily structural parts with high impact tolerances, and make sure the wheelbase is wider, so it'll want to flip over less.

I'm experimenting with naval ships now, and they're not too complicated in terms of the hull itself. Propulsion and the upper deck(s), plus weapons and balancing are the only real challenges.

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1 yes the side tanks are ejectable if unneeded.

2 I can do the battle but I will have to post my moves after 4pm GMT as that's the time I get home from school, it should work okay though, do you want to decide rules?

ScriptKitt3h, by naval ships do you mean oceanic? If so then I can send you a boat if you want but it'll have to wait until tomorrow.

Edited by Megalodon 720
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