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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club


Should carriers go first or by standard order  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. Should carriers go first or by standard order

    • Standard order
    • First

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Yup, I based mine off of ODIN from Ghosts, even though I really dislike that game. The designs were semi-cool, though.

Also, mine fires 8 small rods at once, for anti-vehicle/personnel uses. And for spammin'. :P

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I tried building a rod from God station once, the station was fine and absolutely beautiful but I couldn't get the missiles to hit there Mark, in other words, I'm a terrible aim.

The trick is making sure the rods won't delete at 2.5 km if you're shooting at the surface, and just remember: IRL, a rod hitting even NEAR a target would be devastating.

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Yea or use Winglets, I'm thinking of redoing mine with Winglets if I didn't, can't remember if I did or not.

Also Script you can use the old Midway in your company, I don't think I'm going to use the old one anymore.

Ok, thanks. I'll see what... upgrades... will work with it. :P

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Hehe nice, a Counter part to the LOKI Finally, I need to make a new one anyways. Well anyways Arcadia Industries has answered the Growing Threat to their Island from the Arcadian Union with a New Stealth Frigate, the AINF Coral.


Eliminating a crew adds to stealth apparently :)

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I'm game but can we do it later

Yeah sure. Actually I thought it'd be cool if we could have a multi-person battle. Maybe a 2v2? I've never done one before but if enough people are interested I think it would be fun.

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