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Should carriers go first or by standard order  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. Should carriers go first or by standard order

    • Standard order
    • First

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Well I started studying the RMS Titanic (No jokes either) When I first heard about it at the age of 4. When I hit age 7 I started studying the Britannic and Olympic, Same with the Lusitania and Mauretania. What a tragedy that the Olympic and Mauretania were the only surviving ships of these beautiful liners.

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That exploding halcyon was amazing. I just wish they showed a destroyer in that space scene.

? You talking about the Halo 5/MC Collection showcase/trailer? Because if so, I agree completely.

Time to make a KSP warship go boom like that..... heheheh.....

*Starts planning orbital demolition attacks for future battles*

Edited by ScriptKitt3h
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Your move, BrightBritches.

Holy crap, those can apparently take a beating! I didn't even expect them to do that well :P

so now for the bad news...i'm headed to bonnaroo this upcoming weekend and so I wont be able to take my turn for at least a week :/

Hopefully this doesn't turn into a war of attrition lasting months lol

EDIT: Just took a quick look at the Fortune, the small craft is indeed dead in the water. You almost entirely stripped the insides of the ship, making it 1) off-balance, with 2) no RCS, and 3) is now bleeding out the last of the charge in its batteries as the small ship slowly dies... ;.;

Edited by BrightBritches
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How shiny... a manpads with three missiles...


Also, my newest multi role vehicle. The SA-6 Gridline carrying armored truck. Missiles have an effective range of well over 10 km. Targets range from aircraft, land vehicles, air vehicles, sea vessels, and even exo atmospheric attack vessels.

Imgur is slowing down. I also got a random image instead of the seven other ones I uploaded on my first try.

Nevermind. I think imgur got compromised by a russian.

Separate image link.


That hull is the base for my future armored vehicles. This vehicle alone could sink any destroyer.

Edited by andrew123
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Holy crap, those can apparently take a beating! I didn't even expect them to do that well :P

so now for the bad news...i'm headed to bonnaroo this upcoming weekend and so I wont be able to take my turn for at least a week :/

Hopefully this doesn't turn into a war of attrition lasting months lol

EDIT: Just took a quick look at the Fortune, the small craft is indeed dead in the water. You almost entirely stripped the insides of the ship, making it 1) off-balance, with 2) no RCS, and 3) is now bleeding out the last of the charge in its batteries as the small ship slowly dies... ;.;

I hope you enjoy bonnaroo, and I don't mind waiting. I agree, though that a long war of attrition would be quite bad indeed. :P

Also, the Fortune did get hit with a 1.25m torp designed to wreck capital ships, plus a quad-salvo of I-beams, so it is quite tough. However, the trick is better internal structure. Mount things like engine mounts, fuel tanks, and other internal systems to the framework rather than the outer hull, and have extra reinforcement where it has vulnerable parts.

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However, the trick is better internal structure. Mount things like engine mounts, fuel tanks, and other internal systems to the framework rather than the outer hull, and have extra reinforcement where it has vulnerable parts.

Yeah that's what I typically do, but for whatever reason my ships always seem to shake themselves apart before any armor actually breaks, which is just mindboggling :confused:

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Yeah that's what I typically do, but for whatever reason my ships always seem to shake themselves apart before any armor actually breaks, which is just mindboggling :confused:

I spam SAS reaction wheels to make it hard to shake up my ships. :P

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