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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club


Should carriers go first or by standard order  

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  1. 1. Should carriers go first or by standard order

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Something I've noticed lately

Why does everybody only want to do light battles. It seems to me I have to make the battle in able to use my heaver craft

Light battles? How so? Most surface battles will almost exclusively use lighter craft (since huge combat spacecraft are much bigger than land units), and most aircraft can't be too big and still function as nimble fighters.

The only real "large" surface battles almost always are on the ocean, using naval craft.

If you're referring to orbital/space combat, I'd have to say that almost all my craft in my current battle with BrightBritches are not "small" by any standard.... unless you REALLY are itching to see two massive dreadnought-level warships in an engagement. :P

(Also, one final thought: Most, (not all) heavier craft sport a higher part count with ammo compared to other vessels. This makes them hard to battle for people with machines that can't handle too many parts in one locale.)

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So, I actually finished the XD-505 (my VTOL SSTO fighter).



It's codename/nickname is "Komodo Dragon", in an attempt to somehow make it a successor to the "Monitor" series of fighters.


-2 I-beam missiles

-Dual LCR Rocket stacks

It does have a basic jet for VTOL, and is easily capable of reaching orbit on it's own fuel supply, and possibly going to the Mun or Minmus.

It also needs a docking port, though, but it could be great on Laythe....



*LCR=Light Combat Rocket

Edited by ScriptKitt3h
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VTOLs can be so much more convenient, especially for carriers because you don't need a humongous flight deck.

Yup, I've definitely figured that out from making my XD-505, but the flip side is that in some cases the VTOL's safer to land with than a regular landing. :P

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Really? I specialise in atmospheric VTOLs and I have never had a case where I wanted to land vertically but couldn't.

I meant that some VTOL's land vertically more easily due to the fact of the added weight from a VTOL engine or engines making the craft fall faster when attempting a glide-in landing.

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Long trek up the mountain.


Enemy sighted!




The enemy fighter seems to have lost a wing.


This steep angle should make for a difficult retaliation.



Hmmm... good thing I've got guided missile units...

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Although this should probably go in the Spacecraft Exchange, I thought that I would consult the military experts for comments and critiques on my first foray into military technology. I thus present to you:

The Electromagnetism Class Ion Frigate





Control: 2 redundant LC-R01 probe cores.

Maneuvering: 300 units of monopropellant with 6 RCS ports; 3 ASAS modules.

Power: 16 RTGs with 12 Gigantor solar panels [these are retracted below the armor and hidden from view in the first picture].

Capacitance: 30000 units of electric charge.

Fuel: 40000 units of xenon gas and 360 units of liquid fuel with corresponding oxidizer.

Engines: 16 Ion Engines and 2 LV-909s.

Mass: 55 tons.

Total delta-v: ~3.8 km/s.

Part Count: 348.

Ammunition storage: 16 small docking ports and 6 standard.


My main concern for this ship is its high part count, mostly due to my inexperience with armoring craft; this resulted in both the former and the ship's high mass. Any advice as to how to improve this would be welcome, as would any pertaining to other aspects of the craft.

[As a footnote, does anyone have Bannon's original classification system archived somewhere? It might be useful to have linked somewhere for standardization purposes.]

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@daemonCaptrix, I think I'm going to have to surrender.

Reasons being:

1- You've got a significant advantage, and I've figured that even if I managed to disable your VTOL, I'd still be outnumbered by Stubs.

2- My units are somewhat.... less advanced. (I need to UPGRADE)

3- My game keeps bugging out, with a small bit of lag, and at least one instance of severe re-entry whilst loading the save. :(

You have indeed beat me, and I will concede. Also, I'm curious if you'd be interested in a KSC-set battle (with naval ships) at some point in the near future?

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@daemonCaptrix, I think I'm going to have to surrender.

Reasons being:

1- You've got a significant advantage, and I've figured that even if I managed to disable your VTOL, I'd still be outnumbered by Stubs.

2- My units are somewhat.... less advanced. (I need to UPGRADE)

3- My game keeps bugging out, with a small bit of lag, and at least one instance of severe re-entry whilst loading the save. :(

You have indeed beat me, and I will concede. Also, I'm curious if you'd be interested in a KSC-set battle (with naval ships) at some point in the near future?

Sorry. I only had so many Stubs because my VTOLs refused to load properly when I hyper edited them. You did a pretty good job flipping that one Stub despite its lowest-possible profile, though.

I'd be willing to do a sea battle, but I don't remember if I have any low-part ships operational yet.

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Sorry. I only had so many Stubs because my VTOLs refused to load properly when I hyper edited them. You did a pretty good job flipping that one Stub despite its lowest-possible profile, though.

I'd be willing to do a sea battle, but I don't remember if I have any low-part ships operational yet.

That's OK, since I still need to make my own seaworthy warships. :P

In any case, I just nuked all my saves ('cept for the one for my battle with BrightBritches) since I'm now running EVE, Texture Replacer, and I think also the active texture reducer.

This won't prohibit me from running battles, will it? (I don't think those affect persist files, do they?)

In any case, I'm also thinking about making a tiny story to go along with my save-nuking, since I have.... summoned the turbo-hell Kraken by hyperediting a dropship into interstellar space, hunting for the Duna SSTV signal.

Also, BrightBritches needs to put up his next post. :P

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