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Should carriers go first or by standard order  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. Should carriers go first or by standard order

    • Standard order
    • First

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I've made another one...


I call it the Artillery Launch System Type 1, or ALS-1.

It fires up to 4 guided mid-range missiles that can steer themselves and maneuver around targets. :D

Edited by ScriptKitt3h
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I would've guessed ~170 actually, it looks lacking in bells and whistles (and that it carries only 2 fighters)

I'm just gonna show the one most likely to change.



Edited by Spartwo
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Mechani Union vs. daeCorp

/Sitrep: Surface Battle

/Locale: Desert Temple region, Kerbin


Standard, plus:

-No K-drive, K-bomb, etc.

-7 Units, with only 3 air units max.

-Max. mass (per craft)=75 tons

-Max parts=200

-All ground units must stay at least within a 100km radius from the "center of battle" flag, while air units can land anywhere within a 125 km radius.

-No watercraft (d'oh! :P)

-Air units may not land directly near ground units, so that they are vulnerable on the ground.

//MU Task Force Omega://

/Echo Squad (ground):/


(2x MBT-1s, 2x ALS-1)

/Banshee Squadron (air):/


(3x Monitor-C Fighter/Interceptor)



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What about the X-37 ominously hanging over our heads in space? The USAF only made minimal course redirects since it was launched over a year ago, and it is hypothesized to be a precursor to a weapons capable platform. http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/1...doing-up-there

Did you really think the DOD would care about some treaty? Even JSOC?

Since I already have a reliable Atlas V design in KSP... hehe. My space program will embark on a national security mission... yeah.

Here's a quote from a comment.

Hopefully it is not growing biological weapons in zero g. That is always possible though. I read where Salmonella is something like 7 times more lethal when it grows in zero g. They could be testing hundreds of different viruses and bacteria. Just leaving them up there and letting them grow in various different conditions to see what happens over a prolonged period. The whole thing could be a flying death ship. Of course they could be doing something else with it, and hopefully are.

Looks like the science capsules will be useful after all. Those rebels on Duna might want to stack up on body bags.

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Hey, guys it says i can't have offensive weapons on carriers but can i have A couple of i beams for defense?

No as there isn't really any defense in this game.

If you intend to reload a fighter with it then yes, but the carrier can not attack on its own accord

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So here's a new carrier by Britannia Weaponry Ltd, the 'Majestic' Class, only three will be launched at a time and they will have unique paint jobs, they follow all carrier rules. Here is the first ship majestic before being painted.

nTcVTrc.pngEDIT: Okay, I've just found out that the ram on the bow may be a bit overpowered


Here it is with half of victory, yes, it's that powerful (and majestic took very little damage)

Edited by Megalodon 720
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I guess great minds think alike. :P I really just built mine off the top of my head, since I really needed a good guided missile that was not a small ICBM. (I'm not Mann Co. :/ )

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What do you think of my new carrier guys?

EDIT: Also, i now think i have something worthy of the title 'small fleet' If you'd like to see all of the crafts click the NEW link in my signature.

Edited by Megalodon 720
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What do you think of my new carrier guys?

EDIT: Also, i now think i have something worthy of the title 'small fleet' If you'd like to see all of the crafts click the NEW link in my signature.

Looks nice

Haven't really payed much attention lately though

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It appears to be quite solid, although I don't like carriers very much. They are huge, heavy and complicated, but lack of armor and weaponry. And carrier fighters are no threat for capital ships or even heavy fighters.

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It depends really, I don't like using I beams on fighters because they make the part count hit the mun, so I generally use simpler missiles, however they can still destroy large ships with a well aimed shot.

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It depends really, I don't like using I beams on fighters because they make the part count hit the mun, so I generally use simpler missiles, however they can still destroy large ships with a well aimed shot.

You can use i-beams without having a high-as-stratosphere part count. Matter of fact, 4 i-beams is actually plenty for a medium-heavy fighter.

Why? Mainly because fighters are slowly becoming outdated when compared to modern frigates and other larger vacuum-only ships. That's due to the immense firepower and hull strength of these larger ships, plus the fact that they can carry 1.25 and 2.5 meter munitions easily. However, SSTO fighters are still somewhat effective since they can of course SSTO, allowing them to act as air-based fighter jets or vacuum-based starfighters. Also, I'd recommend turning down your video/physics settings if your game gets laggy very easily. The inherent tradeoff is 100% worth it.

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Never seen a 10 ton frigate before, let alone one which can blow up much heavier ships.

*cough* One of MrTegu's ships

*cough* Dreks 1 through 10

*cough* Salvations

*cough* Anything without plate armor

EDIT: I'll prove my point if you want.

EDITEDIT: I made a carrier for no reason but to see how light it can be(It only weighs ~80).


EDITX3: Needs more LF


@Fleet: You know your first post on the thread is supposed to have an album of all ships.

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My fighter disagrees big time, Those my friend are guided mini missiles and they pack quite a punch for their size...

I'm speaking more so about little ion-drive "carrier fighters", since they are inherently small and lightly-armed when compared to heavier ships and heavy fighters.

Also, emphasis on slowly. :P

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