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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club


Should carriers go first or by standard order  

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  1. 1. Should carriers go first or by standard order

    • Standard order
    • First

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Mechani Union vs. BrightBritches

/Location: Laythe

/Rules: Standard, plus:

1. K-Drive allowed (only for ships, no K-drive based weapons :()

2. Max weight is 110 tons, to help ya out.

3. Max parts is roughly 850-700, it depends on the ship/craft.

4. You may only field 4 craft.

5. You must put a station OR a base in an orbit of 100km or less (or landed) on the planet. This will be your "prize".

6. All combatant ships must STAY OUT from any orbits 115 km or lower.

Whoever wins gets to obliterate and/or "take over" their opponent's "prize". The "prize" station/base is exempt for the part count rule, but try to stay under 1k if at all possible.

MU "prize" is:

/x1 ODP-1 Thor station, codenamed Paladin./


(Also, winner may bombard the planet into dust if they wish to do so. :P)

MU Expeditionary Force "Frisky Dingo":

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The Kraken Juggernaught Fleet vs: (Anyone who dares challenge them)

In orbit around Minmus at 100km is the Kraken's Juggernaught Fleet. It has

destroyed everything in its path. Will it destroy you?

You may take a maximum of 6 ships to fight the Kraken. The total part count of your fleet must not exceed 1200.

Fighters move first

Destroyers and Frigates next

Finally the Capital Ships

Carrier Fighters also move first

Parasite Fighter - Fighter

Wraith - Destroyer

Dread Brood Mother of Wraiths - Capital Ship

Kraken Deceiver of Worlds Defiance of Physics - Capital Ship



Ramming is allowed on all enemy ships except the Parasite Fighters.

Parasite Fighters will not ram.

If you ram into a Parasite fighter treat the ship that collided with it as destroyed.

You can use hyper-edit to bring your fleet to about 1 km away from the Kraken's fleet, but beware of the Kraken

tampering with this. Your ships may suddenly start moving away from you despite no change in velocity.

No Kraken Drives... The Kraken has assumed control of anything and everything Kraken.

You may only take a maximum of 6 ships to battle. The total part count of all your ships may not exceed 1200.

YOU control the Kraken's Fleet. Here is how you control them:

1: When you encounter the fleet, Dread Brood Mother of Wraiths moves first. (however no other ships will attack)

Dread Brood Mother of Wraiths and any other Wraiths may attack 2 ships within a single combat turn.

If Dread Brood Mother of Wraiths is destroyed count all other Wraiths as destroyed. She will ram the nearest enemy when her ammunition runs out.

2: The Kraken will not attack any ships until the final phase of which Capital Ships move. (Or when all other Kraken ships have fired)

The Kraken will attack the largest of the opponents ships. The Kraken may ram.

The Kraken Fleet will target the largest of ships first. (Disregard the Wraith)

3: The Wraith hanging about 2.5km away from the main fleet will target the smallest of your ships first.

The Wraith will attack any targets until its ammunition is expended. Next turn it will ram the smallest of ships not yet destroyed.

4: Parasite Fighters will attack the closest target to them. (To fire their munitions just hit space-bar and after a second their missiles will fire)

They may NOT ram.

5: A ship is treated as destroyed when its engines are destroyed, it is out of ammunition, or the command pods or probes are destroyed.

A Kraken ship is only counted as destroyed if BOTH its engines are destroyed and out of ammunition or its command pod or probe is destroyed.

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Kudos to those who beat the Mighty Kraken :wink:

Heres the Link. Took a while to figure out how to upload folders.

Unfortunately it is in a winrar archive so just open that and move the folder inside to ur save folder in ksp kk


Edited by astecarmyman
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The Kraken Juggernaught Fleet vs: (Anyone who dares challenge them)

In orbit around Minmus at 100km is the Kraken's Juggernaught Fleet. It has

destroyed everything in its path. Will it destroy you?

You may take a maximum of 6 ships to fight the Kraken. The total part count of your fleet must not exceed 1200.

Fighters move first

Destroyers and Frigates next

Finally the Capital Ships

Carrier Fighters also move first

Parasite Fighter - Fighter

Wraith - Destroyer

Dread Brood Mother of Wraiths - Capital Ship

Kraken Deceiver of Worlds Defiance of Physics - Capital Ship



Ramming is allowed on all enemy ships except the Parasite Fighters.

Parasite Fighters will not ram.

If you ram into a Parasite fighter treat the ship that collided with it as destroyed.

You can use hyper-edit to bring your fleet to about 1 km away from the Kraken's fleet, but beware of the Kraken

tampering with this. Your ships may suddenly start moving away from you despite no change in velocity.

No Kraken Drives... The Kraken has assumed control of anything and everything Kraken.

You may only take a maximum of 6 ships to battle. The total part count of all your ships may not exceed 1200.

YOU control the Kraken's Fleet. Here is how you control them:

1: When you encounter the fleet, Dread Brood Mother of Wraiths moves first. (however no other ships will attack)

Dread Brood Mother of Wraiths and any other Wraiths may attack 2 ships within a single combat turn.

If Dread Brood Mother of Wraiths is destroyed count all other Wraiths as destroyed. She will ram the nearest enemy when her ammunition runs out.

2: The Kraken will not attack any ships until the final phase of which Capital Ships move. (Or when all other Kraken ships have fired)

The Kraken will attack the largest of the opponents ships. The Kraken may ram.

The Kraken Fleet will target the largest of ships first. (Disregard the Wraith)

3: The Wraith hanging about 2.5km away from the main fleet will target the smallest of your ships first.

The Wraith will attack any targets until its ammunition is expended. Next turn it will ram the smallest of ships not yet destroyed.

4: Parasite Fighters will attack the closest target to them. (To fire their munitions just hit space-bar and after a second their missiles will fire)

They may NOT ram.

5: A ship is treated as destroyed when its engines are destroyed, it is out of ammunition, or the command pods or probes are destroyed.

A Kraken ship is only counted as destroyed if BOTH its engines are destroyed and out of ammunition or its command pod or probe is destroyed.


Kudos to those who beat the Mighty Kraken :wink:

Heres the Link. Took a while to figure out how to upload folders.

Unfortunately it is in a winrar archive so just open that and move the folder inside to ur save folder in ksp kk


I'll give it a go. :) For fun.

I'll use ships i haven't used before, probably two Temeraire class frigates and maybe a Majestic class carrier, with a few more ships just to test their worthiness in battle.

I shall prepare for my fishing trip :P

Edited by Megalodon 720
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Redoubtable is first to the enemy fleet, she attacks the kraken itself, however due to a staging error when approaching all of her i-beams had been fired, leaving her with just a 2.5 meter torpedo to attack the mother of beasts.


She draws closer and attacks. It seems that the command pod was destroyed as the ship dissappeard from map view.


Sushi for dinner today boys!


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In retaliation, Dread attacks Redoubtable.


Fortunately, the missiles done little damage, however dread then rams the Redoubtable and the attack does excessive damage to the ship.


However, the victory is hollow, the damage sustained while ramming unbalanced the dread, rendering her unable to move without spinning in circles.


Should i count dread as dead? As she may as well not have engines if she can't move properly.

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Actually forget what i said. The Dread, Brood mother of wraiths, is dead. After ramming the Redoubtable it ended up on a sub-orbital trajectory, she was unable to get back up into orbit and scanners on the Fearless ​found debris on the surface.

Both wraiths are dead. Only a single parasite remains... and it's attacking Fearless.

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One I-beam missed and one simply knocked the Fearless into a roll that it recovered from immediately.


The shots are fired.


I don't know what the decouplers are for, they probably malfunctioned because they just clipped with the wings.

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The F​earless fires her SRBs at the parasite and wins the battle for Britannia Weaponry.


Three kerbonauts saved kerbin from a kraken attack. Their names are:

Adbro Kerman, aboard the Fearless.

Neilkin Kerman, aboard the Fearless.

Edlo Kerman, aboard the Temeraire.

Kerbin and kerbalkind are safe... for now.

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Hey sorry I haven't played my move yet. Been busy today with real life stuff. I do my move tonight after Church. After I send u the download, please don't feel obligated to do ur move late at night.

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Hey sorry I haven't played my move yet. Been busy today with real life stuff. I do my move tonight after Church. After I send u the download, please don't feel obligated to do ur move late at night.

It's okay, i have been working on a new ship


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My super heavy dropship will enter construction when I have time. Which is in over a month, unfortunately, due to my schedule.

It requires some stabilization along with performance enhancements. I must also get working on the Infinity along with its new escort ships, one of which is the Trafalgar class dreadnought vessel and its offshoot, the MacArthur class cruiser with an experimental propulsion system.

The Mechanicus did not influence the Trafalgar in any way... hehe... xkm9dAl.jpg

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Contacts Detected

After emerging from a long dormant jump portal, Gallileo Fleet has been engaged in Laythe Orbit.

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Fearing the weapons capability of the larger enemy ships, the Fortune moves to engage the Ingressor "A.D.A."


After scoring what appeared to be a decent shot, upon closer inspection only did aesthetic damage (pretty sure my rounds just phased through your ship and knocked armor off the other side...awesome :P )

The engagement report sent back to the Overwatch was disheartening, as the Fortune Dropped back down to a lower orbit

On a different note, I thought the weight limit was total ships, not individual ships, so I only brought tiny things lol

oh well, it was an exploratory scout force (which had to fit through the portal, right?) i'm sure hostilities will provoke a larger fleet to begin moving :wink:

Persistence: https://www.dropbox.com/s/437itn0on15c2ea/persistent.sfs

Hopefully i'll get kerbpaint soon so I can make my ships look purty :3

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Contacts Detected

After emerging from a long dormant jump portal, Gallileo Fleet has been engaged in Laythe Orbit.


Fearing the weapons capability of the larger enemy ships, the Fortune moves to engage the Ingressor "A.D.A."


After scoring what appeared to be a decent shot, upon closer inspection only did aesthetic damage (pretty sure my rounds just phased through your ship and knocked armor off the other side...awesome :P )

The engagement report sent back to the Overwatch was disheartening, as the Fortune Dropped back down to a lower orbit

On a different note, I thought the weight limit was total ships, not individual ships, so I only brought tiny things lol

oh well, it was an exploratory scout force (which had to fit through the portal, right?) i'm sure hostilities will provoke a larger fleet to begin moving :wink:

Persistence: https://www.dropbox.com/s/437itn0on15c2ea/persistent.sfs

Oh, I'm sorry I wasn't clear in stating the tonnage rules. :( if you want to re-move you can.

By the way, I'm now quite pleased with my hybrid-reactive armor plating design. :P

Also, your ships look quite good, and have a very sci-fi feel to 'em... Nice work!

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