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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club


Should carriers go first or by standard order  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. Should carriers go first or by standard order

    • Standard order
    • First

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You guys should totally check out Castigo Armaments :D He's got some cool stuff there. On a side-note due to poor armor penetration abilities of the Wraiths' main weapons I will proceed to build a multi-fragment "tandem-charge" weapon that is propelled by explosions :) Shreds of Kraken Plasma should melt-down your ships armor pretty quickly :D

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@War Eagle 1

You win.


Spartwo please update the scoreboard

Avron, do you want to do another one? My PS3 broke so I can go again

What are your terms

Will I be going first sense you are setting rules

Edited by War Eagle 1
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Spartwo please update the scoreboard

Avron, do you want to do another one? My PS3 broke so I can go again

What are your terms

Will I be going first sense you are setting rules

I'll be back in three days with something awesome.

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You guys should totally check out Castigo Armaments :D He's got some cool stuff there. On a side-note due to poor armor penetration abilities of the Wraiths' main weapons I will proceed to build a multi-fragment "tandem-charge" weapon that is propelled by explosions :) Shreds of Kraken Plasma should melt-down your ships armor pretty quickly :D

Make sure that the ammunition doesn't clip with other parts, the parasite that attacked Fearless didn't fire straight because the weapons clipped with the wings.

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Make sure that the ammunition doesn't clip with other parts, the parasite that attacked Fearless didn't fire straight because the weapons clipped with the wings.

All you do is press the space-bar. Pressing it again will make it fire in random directions. Why do you think I had the staging that way?

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