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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club


Should carriers go first or by standard order  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. Should carriers go first or by standard order

    • Standard order
    • First

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So, I've been busy experimenting today with.... (insert drum roll here)..... "Armored" EVA/EXO-suit type craft.

Mark 1 Prototype:

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These aren't useful outside of low-grav and hard vacuum, but I like the concept. So, once I've got up my next battle post (I'm job hunting currently), I'm going to make even better EXOs.

(Before ya'll ask, the disk-rockets are for weak/ground targets, and the i-beams take the place of small autocannons if such a thing was developed.)

Edited by ScriptKitt3h
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It appears that I have some improvements to make. Only the space fleet remains untested.

Three Ships, Two of them Colossal Hydra Super-Dreadnoughts. The other shreds everything.

Sending out my Shredder to attack your biggest ship.


Big 'xplosions


The Hydras await.....


You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it.


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Cubes will prevail over all.

I had the idea once to make cube-fighters. And variations of cubes like manned cube, heavy weapons cube, lots of little missiles cube, lander cube, ion-powered cube, etc. I got a few working but not very well. It's hard to jam an entire ship's systems into a 2x2x2 box.

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Alright I'm game. What's the arrangement?

Maybe four of my Panthers vs 4-8 of your tanks? (Not going above a total of 60tons Each Panther *weighs* about 15T)

Edited by astecarmyman
Not today Grammar Nazis!
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Are the Shrews those Aircraft Capsules with wheels and I-beam cannons?

You sure you want to be using those? :P I probably could destroy one just by ramming it hehe

If you just want the Persist I can upload that.

The save file itself is inside the .rar just move it to your saves folder

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I can take the persist out. And no that's a Tropis with weapons module attatched.


And they could probably destroy tanks by ramming them:P Shrews are the thing shaped like tanks.

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