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Should carriers go first or by standard order  

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  1. 1. Should carriers go first or by standard order

    • Standard order
    • First

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daeCorp battle group: 11 vehicles total

1x Pickle Mobile Cruise Missile Launcher

-Plaid Beret Company


3x Stub Tank Destroyer

-Plaid Beret Company

(lol I forgot to screen cap)

3x SFP-23 Vespid VTOL Fighter

-Onyx Squadron


1x BP-1 Megasoma Bomber



2x Atakabune-class Destroyer Escort

-DCOV Atakabune

-DCOV Fubuki


1x Masamune-class Assault Cruiser

-DCOV Masamune



Plaid Beret 2 approaches the first target, one of those nigh-indestructible missile trucks.


Blam Blam!



All four shots unloaded into the missile truck. All four hit. One missile and a bit of armour damaged. Overall, the truck is fine. :/



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quite sad you did away with the broadside :(

I'm probably bringing it back. The part count is bo longer an issue but just SRBs is. The armor also still can't take a beating. At least she has 5km/s in her.

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As the battle over Laythe raged on, high command saw fit to dispatch the Prophecy. An upgraded Nugget-Class Corvette equipped with prototype weaponry with the intent to test them in battle.


After arriving through the jumpgate, the Prophecy burned for the Klue and arrived within weapons range.


The first of her "Hourglass" warheads was a glancing blow to the rear, doing no noticeable damage.

The second however was a direct hit to the upper left weapons bay, shattering the armor and weaponry inside.


With the Klue rolling wildly about from the brunt of the impact and a cloud of debris slowly forming, the weapons test was declared a success.


The Prophecy returned to a lower orbit to await the outcome of the battle with the Overwatch.

Persist: https://www.dropbox.com/s/437itn0on15c2ea/persistent.sfs


( You just wait till I can aim.... )

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As the battle over Laythe raged on, high command saw fit to dispatch the Prophecy. An upgraded Nugget-Class Corvette equipped with prototype weaponry with the intent to test them in battle.


After arriving through the jumpgate, the Prophecy burned for the Klue and arrived within weapons range.


The first of her "Hourglass" warheads was a glancing blow to the rear, doing no noticeable damage.

The second however was a direct hit to the upper left weapons bay, shattering the armor and weaponry inside.


With the Klue rolling wildly about from the brunt of the impact and a cloud of debris slowly forming, the weapons test was declared a success.


The Prophecy returned to a lower orbit to await the outcome of the battle with the Overwatch.

Persist: https://www.dropbox.com/s/437itn0on15c2ea/persistent.sfs


( You just wait till I can aim.... )

Good hit man! However, the Klue's not fully disabled.... a small amount of Shredders still are intact, plus broadside i-beams and working engines make the ship injured, but VERY angry.

The Prophecy will not survive the next phase of combat. I guarantee that.... :cool:

In any case, you did score an awesome blow, so your upgraded Nugget-class is quite effective.

Nice work. (Post coming tomorrow, since I'm about to get some sleep.)

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All four shots unloaded into the missile truck. All four hit. One missile and a bit of armour damaged. Overall, the truck is fine. :/

Yup, for some reason my ALS-1 units seem to be quite hardy, I think since their uber-high-impact chassis plus their wing plate armor shell acts like the H.A.R.D. hybrid armor I use on my capital ships..... That, and the fact that they're nice and compact.

Post coming in the morning.

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Good hit man! However, the Klue's not fully disabled.... a small amount of Shredders still are intact, plus broadside i-beams and working engines make the ship injured, but VERY angry.

The Prophecy will not survive the next phase of combat. I guarantee that.... :cool:

In any case, you did score an awesome blow, so your upgraded Nugget-class is quite effective.

Nice work. (Post coming tomorrow, since I'm about to get some sleep.)

Broadside I-Beams and whatnot are just cheap. They make it so you don't have to aim nearly as much.

P.S. BrightBritches, I can't aim either.

Edited by FallingIntoBlack
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Star Nation has sent a recon group to Minmus your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to destroy it.

The max total weight is 75 tonnes and the number of ships must not exceed 4.

This is open to everyone.



Meeeee! When I can get 2.5 km/s Delta-V out of my new ship.:)

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They use the momentum of the plane as a kick starter, That's why I need new missiles for VTOL craft and why I don't want to change to VTOLs.

That makes sense. I have some missiles that take advantage of the plane's movement.

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Can someone use my Panther tanks in a ground battle?!

I'll lease em to ANYBODY!

Anyone remember last battle they were in? A Panther took 4 shots to the turret and only had its weapons disabled. (pluz it destroyed a heavy tank 3 times its size)

Cmon guys... Just search Ksp Panther in youtube :D

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