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Gentlemen's Naval Battle Club


Should carriers go first or by standard order  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. Should carriers go first or by standard order

    • Standard order
    • First

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Genesis-Mcullian War

Rules: best two out of 3

Winner gets to choose 3 ships to download

First battle: Operation Marvelous Light


4 ships

Max tons: 50

No landing

No leaving SOI

Project Genesis ships

4x Halo MKIII-B CUSV fighters


My opponent set up first so I took the liberty of making the first attack

Target: Delilah Class


Shot fired


Looks like a hit


Looks like a kill. Let Abraham decide


After my attack I put HALO 1 into a retrograde orbit



battle song


Edited by War Eagle 1
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I once thought about a war, lots of battles happening within days of each other between two people from different companies and the companies were in two alliances that were at war.:D

That type of a battle would be really fun, although I'd structure it like this:

1. 4 or 6 Companies/Fleets

2. Alliances, with 2 corps per alliance/team to ensure an even start to a war.

3. 2 corps battle in orbit (one from each team), while two battle on the surface of a planet.

4. Battles would have to be won in orbit and on the surface to "Win" a battle, thereby forcing the losing alliance to move to another world.

5. Stalemates would be called in case of one alliance winning on the surface and the other in orbit, or vice versa. Then both alliances engage in full force (2v2) in the theater of combat that is agreed upon.

6. A best 2 out of 3, or similar thing would suffice to see if an alliance "won" the full war, but it could also be custom-tailored, such as having permadeath for units (once a unit is totaled, it can't be replaced), or having strategic objectives that count towards winning overall.

I think a upgraded/modified ruleset/rule expansion would make larger, team-based battles work and still be quite fun for everyone involved. Plus, it would make for great YouTube vids for people who can record! :P

I'll help set up a 2v2 or 3v3 once I finish my invasion of KSC against daeCorp, since it'll help prep me for future surface battles.

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Nope, nope, nope. We're not doing that again we nearly got locked.

How so? If it's done carefully, and has the rules checked by the mods first, it wouldn't be a violation of the rules.

I do understand your worry, though.

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It turns into RP and factionism. I can link the attempt if you'd like(one that did get locked)

That's why there's a limit to how long/far you go with things like that. It all comes down to player behavior, and how responsible players can be in a battle with teams.

EDIT: I see. That's why my suggestion was sort of intended for short, best 2 out of 3-type things, to make sure it'd not become RP.

Trust me, I know that the rules are to be followed.

Edited by ScriptKitt3h
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Here you go. I had to drastically tone down the thread to stop the RP nonsense.

Are you speaking of Kerbal Powers? My infraction headache?

Yes, nobody wants a repeat of that. Strangely though if it's in challenges the mods don't give a flying **** *Mods everywhere!

Modification not moderators.

Edited by Spartwo
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And THIS. That whole thing is the reason I can't stand some of the moderators of this forum, They're too "busy" in other threads to open up another RP forum, It's more like they're too lazy to actually take care of it just like the last time. Now let's move on and get off this subject before someone gets banned. (Probably me.)

Edited by The Fleet Master
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