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Jool to Tylo to Kerbol, and back home


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So far, I just made my most successful mission so far. I was looking to go to Laythe and pass by it for some science. I used 8 Novapunch SRBs to get my ship to an apoapsis of around 54 km. I quickly decoupled the boosters, and continued climbing the atmosphere with a 3 meter fuel tank and a strong engine. I managed to get into orbit with about 1/4 of the fuel tank left. I had enough left to burn my a maneuver node to Jool. The wait was long and boring to get there, but I felt like it was worth it. Meanwhile, I watched

on YouTube. When I got back to KSP, I just waited the rest of the way until I got close to my Jool Encounter. I started messing around with maneuvers some more to get in a smaller orbit. I was trying to get an encounter with Laythe before the encounter. I got a Tylo encounter, but I didn't want a Tylo encounter, I wanted a Laythe encounter. Eventually I was like "whatever" and I stuck to Tylo. I waited until my Jool encounter from there, and then I did some Science. I waited until my Tylo encounter and I used the rest of my science experiments. Then I went on EVA for an EVA report and did a crew report. Once I was back into my Jool passby. I collected all my data from my experiments and took it into my capsule. Now I used up my goo containers and Science Jr, but I didn't care. To my surprise, I had a large amount of fuel to get home. I waited until I left Jool's SOI. On my way home, I saw an opportunity. My Kerbol periapsis was about 1,060,000. I realized I could collect more data from being close to the Kerbol. I decided that I wouldn't head back to Kerbin just yet. I got to my Kerbol periapsis but it still said I was "high over the Sun". I was hoping that getting a periapsis under 1 million meters would fix it. And it did. I got some good science during the 15 minutes I was close to Kerbol. I used more fuel than I intended to, but I still had something like 1000-2000 m/s left. I waited until I got to my apoapsis, then I made an encounter with Kerbin. I waited until I got to my new periapsis, which was something like 1,900,000 meters. I got close to my Encounter when I used maneuvers to crash right into Kerbin. Then I got in the encounter, but something got messed up and I was no longer heading directly at Kerbin, because my periapsis was something like 500 km. I used more of my fuel to crash into Kerbin. Now I have around 3/5 of my tank of fuel left. I got to 100 km then quicksaved. Boy was that lucky. I had to try about 5-6 times to actually land. I was coming in so fast my parachute kept falling off. How fast? 11000 m/s. Eventually I tried deploying the chute at around 600 meters. That worked well now that I wasn't coming in as fast. In the end, I earned around 2200 science, my new total science amount being something like 2366 science. I used this to dig into the tech tree and unlock more parts for my space station.

The end :)

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