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Hi there: :)

I would like to see the money system like that:

-You can sell things you get from space (photos, rocks, dust, etc...)

-There is a demanding system, sometimes, a rock can give you 1000 science or 10 $ and sometimes it can give you 100000$ or 10 science (Is better to convert that rock into science or is better to sell it?)

-You can donate things to museums, it will give you reputation.

-The first time you do something important, you get some reputation.


-The more reputation you have, the more money you get from contracts

-Contracts involve things like: Put a camera and a thermometer in a satellite and lauch it into Bop orbit.

-Rarely, you will get "hardware test" missions, they will give you a part that you must try, if you complete the mission you will unlock that part.

-Contracts are not necessary to progress trough the gameplay, but they can give you some money and science.


-You can win reputation by buying things like webs, Tv announcements, etc...

-They will generate reputation gradually until they become obsolete, then you will have to buy it again.

Kerbal recruitment:

-The more smart the kerbal is, the more science you get from an experiment

-If you use an smart kerbal in a Lab, they will do bonus to the transmited science.

-Smarter kerbals worth more

-Kerbals are paid just one time

-To atract kerbals to your space program, you need to have high reputation

-You can pay kerbals anytime, that will slighty increase your reputation, and will make them smarter, and happier

-If a Kerbal is not happy, he will end leaving the space program

-Kerbals get sad of seeing other kerbals die

-Uncouraged Kerbals hate seeing the rocket exploding under them, that will make them a little bit sad

-Badass Kerbals ( Jeb ) like to see the rocket exploding under them, and will make them happier

-You can detect if a kerbal is badass by doing a psicological test on them, it will cost a little money

-You can train Kerbals to be more couraged and smart, but they will not be able to do missions until they end the training, and training costs money

-Kerbals can die of high g, but you can train them to resist more g, it will cost a very little money

-Jeb cannot die of high g :cool:

Kerbal types:

-Scientists: They convert money into Science, they get a little of the money you give to them

-Developers: They convert science and a little money into part blueprints, once a blueprint is made, it can be used forever, but parts cost money

Game over solving:

Game over will destroy this game, losing everything you done because of wasting all your budget in some contraption like a Gilly circumnavigation railway, is, not good...:huh:

So it will not happen, basically if you run out of money you can do 2 things:

1 Convert the save into sandbox :wink:

2 Receive donations: It will give you enough money as to do a Mun mission, but you will lose some science ( To encourage players not to game over... ) :)

Cheers :)

Edited by tajampi
Modified kerbal types
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~Kerbal Edition~

I enjoy your enthusiasm, it pops out of my screen :).

Though I think KSP should focus on Rocket-build&control (contracts and money being a facet of building them). At least before we unleash a circus of emotional Kerbals.

Besides, having explosions reduce Kerbal willingness to climb in my ships would leave my space program stranded half-way the tech-tree...

Try writing some fan fiction...

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You're right. Perhaps a bit excessive but.... wouldn't it be nice? and, by the way and IMO, KSP is not only a rocket simulator, is more than that, it is a Space Program Simulator. And you surely know what space programs are made of.... even private ones. (Should i add perhaps politicians... parties... cost reductions.... taxes... sponsors... energy drinks?? fun! and that's in my opinion what KSP is for, to have real fun...)

Okay, too much politic things will not make the game funnier, but, money, and all this will make it funnier, sure! :)Or atleast for me...

Anyway, let's try to not start a politic discussion... :)

And, also, thanks for the feedback :)


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I tend to look deeply at details. Please bear with me. :blush:

Your ideas have some points which you'll have to think about a bit more:

- There is no way to convert reputation into science. Is this intended?

- To hire Kerbals you need reputation. Hiring Kerbals increases reputation. Increasing the staff size to gain reputation? This doesn't make sense to me.

- More than 2-3 smart Kerbals aren't needed for career play through (1 as pilot and for early experiments; 2 guys for science lab). I can pick not-so-smart Kerbals and train them to Einsteins and activate timewarp. Why should I care about reputation to attract smart ones? This eliminates one of the two reasons for gaining reputation (money is the other one).

- The scientist will be a competitor to rockets. Both produce science by spending money. Flying rockets is more fun the just giving a Kerbal a science job. So is there a good reason to hire a Scientist?

- To me it seems money is the only important 'resource'. You can do whatever you want if you have enough of it. Spend some and Kerbals will get smart and happy. Spend some more and you'll get all the reputation you need to 'fix' you income modicator. So why should I care all the other stuff?

Edited by *Aqua*
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I personally think that:

-Parts should cost money

-Money comes from funding

-Funding comes from either:

-Government initiatives (like, land a Kerbal on the moon.)

-Commercial contracts (like, put this new satellite in orbit.)

Successfully completing contracts gives you reputation, failing contracts takes reputation away.

Bad reputation leads to bad (easier, but not as well paying) contracts.

High reputation leads to good (harder, but pay very well) contracts.

The reputation would help set a stage of progression in the career mode. Your first contract would be a government initiative just to get a Kerbal into space. After getting rep for that your next contract might be to get a Kerbal to orbit Kerbin. Then to the Mun, then Minmus .etc. This would also allow players to slowly, through necessity, become more familiar with the game. Basically you can't progress until you master something easier. The game would still be a sandbox game as you could choose from a variety of contracts in your reputation range and it would be completely up to you how you accomplish the tasks... and if you want to play pure sandbox then don't play career mode - that is what the sandbox mode is for :)

I don't like the idea of infinite science sources, but I do think that the science system needs to be reworked. I can unlock pretty much every single part in career mode just by landing on Mun and Minmus over and over again and then by the time you leave Kerbins sphere of influence there is nothing left to research. Research should be a slower process that requires a different kind of Kerbal on the ground to handle it. You go to the Mun, get some samples and then turn them over to a lab which is staffed by scientists attracted by your reputation. They will do the research on whatever you brought back and slowly award you the research points (perhaps on a timer not tied to the in game clock so it can't be Fast Forwarded through) up to a maximum for the object being researched. You could even build labs in orbit of Kerbin or in orbit of other planets as stations that would increase the multiplier of the research being done (again, up to that object's max). That could change based on where a sample came from and where it is researched. Think of it like, dirt from Kerbin, researched on Kerbin is worth almost nothing, but dirt from Kerbin researched on Eve could be worth a lot more (mixing Kerbin soil with Eve soil makes for a better snack growing medium or something...). Science would basically be used for what it is used for now, maybe tweak the unlock costs of some things. More things that science can be used for would be nice too.

I kind of like the idea of factoring a Kerbals personality into the mix and having things like Psych evaluations and training for different scenarios, but I can't really come up with many ways where that would enhance the game experience aside from, like OrtwinS said, The SIMS Kerbal edition. Perhaps something like a Kerbal would have to be trained for a specific mission. Like 0g training for Kerbals that are going to live in orbit for a long period of time or specific training for Mun missions. Taking a Kerbal on a mission he isn't trained for would hurt the mission in some way. You could overcome the issue of really only needing 3 Kerbals for the entire game by putting a cap on the number of times an individual Kerbal can be trained. Like if you train to land on moons, you won't be very good on a space station. Something like that.

Another thing that is almost essential for making a good career mode is the removal of the "revert flight" buttons. "Oh no! the rocket I just got contracted to build is about to crash because I didn't design it right! That is going to hurt my reputation and cost me money! ... Oh well - Revert Flight! Crisis avoided!" Come on... that is B.S. If you want to play sandbox mode, go play sandbox mode. Nothing wrong with sandbox mode, sandbox mode is totally cool, just that career mode is not sandbox mode.

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