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What to do when part packs have capsules smaller than the fuselages?


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I downloaded the Apollo part pack, It's a small little pack not really heard of. (Atleast i think not?)

But it's capsules are smaller than the fuselages it has... And the adapters really don't fit to ships, What do i do about this?

Alot of part packs i've downloaded have had fuselages bigger than the capsules they provide.

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Well, you can either scale the pod down or the fuselage up, or fiddle with the size of the adapter. (Also could you provide a link, I'm interested in checking it out)

Oh sure okay, Here's the link: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/apollo-lmcsm-replica/

Also how would i scale down is it literraly shrinking or just moving them down?

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To scale things you can either change the scale in the config (Not recommended) or you could add the line "rescaleFactor = " just under Scale and input a number this may or may not also scale the nodes, so you might have to manually adjust those by multiplying the current attach_node value by the rescale factor.

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Uh, no.

Three things affect scale.

First, does the part use MODEL nodes? Skip to part B.

A (MODEL node not used; instead "mesh = blah" used)

1. "scale = foo" determines how the first three numbers for each attach node line (the X, Y, Z coords of the node) are scaled. It does *not* affect anything else. Default = 1.0 if not present

2. "rescaleFactor = bar" scales both the model (and its transforms) *and* the attach nodes. Default = 1.25 if not present.

B (MODEL node(s) used)

1. Inside the MODEL node, "scale = blahX, blahY, blahZ" determines the scaling of the model and its transforms. Default is 1.0, 1.0, 1.0. It does not affect node positions.

2. Outside the MODEL node, "scale = foo" works as above.

3. Outside the MODEL node, rescaleFactor works as above.

HOWEVER, there is a bug in scaling. For parts with MODEL nodes, rescaleFactor is applied twice to the mu, *unless* (a) the part is the root part of the vessel and (B) you've reverted to launch (or perhaps switched in flight? Don't recall). All other times, it is applied twice. What this means is that if you have scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 in the MODEL node (or no scale at all), and rescaleFactor = 1.25, then your mesh will actually be 1.5625 as big, but your nodes will be scaled outwards 1.25.

For this reason, when scaling parts using MODEL nodes, it is suggested to leave scale (outside the MODEL node) and rescaleFactor both at 1.0, and instead both change the scale = x, y, z inside the MODEL node and manually scale the positions of the attach nodes.

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