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Can't remember the name of a website


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Okay, I do realize it's in bad form to start a thread because of a single question, so... maybe we could make it one thread: if anyone can't find a specific website anymore but kinda knows what it looks like and what it's about, they can post here and hope to get an answer. What do you think? :)

Anyway...my question. I stumbled upon the site two or three years ago, can't really remember but it didn't look too outdated, so it should be still online. It had to do with space, a homepage for an enthusiast-made video or even movie in the style of the faux-documentary Man conquers space, but more realistic and modern. It was still in development, there were a few short promo videos on the page though, and a lot of artworks (sketches, 3d models etc.). The latter are the reason why I'm asking at all...as far as I remember, the designs were really interesting and would be a fun to recreate in KSP :rolleyes:

The crafts were centered on Moon and Mars exploration/colonization, but primarily Mars. One ship had the name of an Italian scientist and transferred cargo, possibly crew between Mars and Earth. There were two large habitat pods with heatshields on the sides... I assume those were meant to separate and land a base in one piece. Can't remember the method of propulsion, but the base structure resembled Discovery from 2001, only with bigger fuel tanks.

That would be about it. Does anyone know what this could be? I must have exercised my Google-fu for half an hour at least, but nothing showed up :rolleyes:

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