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Add a "Satellite" category of craft

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I like the way that the Tracking Center and Map View are coming along. However, I'd like to see an additional craft type:

Satellite - For the new player, this may be irrelevant. However, for those of us with multiple mods such as RemoteTech and MapSat, we wind up with a fair number of stable-orbit unmanned craft. These aren't rightly "Probes", and in a crowded system such as Kerbin can wind up being the dominant type of craft. It would be very handy to be able to distinguish them from probes-ready-to-launch-to-other-planets with a single click in the Tracking Station.

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(Space)planes would definitely deserve their own icon.

Regarding "satellite", I understand you're trying to distinguish between unmanned ships which are "on mission" to perform certain task, and unmanned ships which are doing their job in stable orbit. In my opinion though, if you need to distinguish these, assigning "Ship" to unmanned craft on mission and "Probe" to unmanned craft in stable orbit is more accurate.

You can check if the ship is mapped rather easily in map, anyway.

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I definitely like "plane" as an icon as well.

Kasuha .. I can see how you get to that - let "Ship" mean "any Craft on a mission"... but I'm afraid that distinction doesn't work for me. I think of "Ship" as implying "manned craft on a mission", with "Station" as "manned craft in a stable orbit". I'm just looking for the same distinction at the "unmanned" level: "Probe" for "unmanned on a mission" and "Satellite" as "unmanned on a stable orbit".

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Why stop there? Seriously, give us a list of 5-10 icons to pick from and just a freetext box (maybe a drop down with existing choices) of the "class" you want to create. Or up to, say, 5 custom classes.

Explorers might want to have a "duna," "eve," and "Jool" class series of ships. Someone else who builds a moon base doesn't care about that but wants to split up his "ships" in "crawlers," Living space" and "rovers"

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