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„The Grand Tour� Tropes Contest - win €40 worth video game!


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„The Grand Tour†Tropes Contest


My After Action Report „The Grand Tour – Voyage To The Planets†is slowly coming to an end after 12 months of writing (it's hard to believe that it's already a year). So I've been thinking, is there anything special I can do to somehow make these last weeks somewhat special. And it turns out that yup, there is something what I can do to celebrate completing this AAR and show my gratitude to my readers. So to not make this introduction any longer, here it is - „The Grand Tour†Troping Tropes Contest!


What's going on?

I decided to organize this contest for readers of my AAR but anyone can join and try to win the prize!

Ok, so what are the rules?

Here we go:

- To join the contest all you need to do is to make a post in this thread in which you describe tropes found by you in „The Grand Tour†with quotes from the story (whenever this is possible or reasonable) or just your explanation

- You HAVEto explain what type of the trope was used, that is whether the trope is subverted, averted, played with, et cetera.

- There are no limits to the number of length of posts

- However, all trope entries MUST be unique; that is if someone posted for instance trope "Aerith and Bob" (with quote from the story or explanation), this particular trope CAN NOT be used by anyone else

- You have limited time to post your entry before the contest is over

- The winner – that is the person which found the most tropes – wins the contest and gets the prize

So what is the time limit for this contest?

Contest starts as of today - that is 6th April 23:59 (11:59 PM) Warsaw time - and ends on 4th May 2014 23:59 (11:59PM) Warsaw time.. If you want to participate in the constest you HAVE to post your entry in this period. I'm giving you 10 hours from now (when I start this thread) to ask some questions if they are any.

Cool but what's this prize you've been talking about?

The winner is going to get digital Steam version of „Crusader Kings II†worth 40 euro from me as a Steam gift.


IMPORTANT! To be able to collect the prize you MUST have Steam account. If you don't have Steam account you WON'T get the prize even if you win the contest.

That sounds great! But what the hell are these „tropes�

To quote TV Tropes:

Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. On the whole, tropes are not clichés. The word clichéd means "stereotyped and trite." In other words, dull and uninteresting. We are not looking for dull and uninteresting entries. We are here to recognize tropes and play with them, not to make fun of them.

If you are not familiar with the term, you should know that TV Tropes website is the prime and best source of tropes for you to find and use in this contest. In fact, it would be almost impossible to take part in this contest or win it without using TV Tropes website.

I don't get it honestly. So what should I do again?

Just look at this example of contest entry:

Trope: Aerith and Bob

Type: Played straight.

Explanation: Some of the crew members of „Proteus†have normal names like Bob, Bill or Jeb, but there are also more wacky ones like Rozer, Fertop or Jedgel.

That's (more or less) how your entry should look like. Remember that you HAVE to include the trope's name, its type and explanation or quote from the story which serves as explanation.

Cool! Anything else what should I know before I start searching for tropes?

Yup. As this is my private initiative I reserve myself the right to be the ultimate authority in all matters concerning the contest. Rules may change during the contest about which you will be notified in the thread.

That's about it - have fun and may the best troper win! :)

Edited by czokletmuss
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Points as on 24th April:

1. gutza1 (17)

2. QuesoExplosivo (12)

3. The Error (5)

4. PwnedDuck (2)

5. Revenchant, Bioman22, Raptor831 (1)

He came out of nowhere and reached the top - good job, gutza1 :) But will gutza1 win the contest? There are still almost two weeks until the end!


Points as on 13th April:

1. QuesoExplosivo (10)

2. The Error (5)

3. Revenchant and Bioman22 (1)

If the contest ended on 13th April, QuesoExplosive would have won both the contest and the game! Congratulations but keep looking, there are much more tropes out there :)


The list will be updated every few days to make it easier for you to see which tropes are already used. Remember, every trope can be "used" only once!


1. Artificial Intelligence - Bioman22

Explanation: That's pretty obvious.

2. Anyone Can Die - The Error

Type: Played oh-so-very straight.

Explanation: I don't think this requires much explanation.. any Kerbal can drop dead with little warning.

3. Darker And Edgier - The Error

Type: Played fairly straight.

Explanation: Significantly darker than most KSP AARs, what with nutbar AIs, the crew slowly losing it, Jeb's emotional breakdown, and all the deaths.

4. Frictionless Reentry - Ravenchant

Type: very much averted

Explanation: Reentries and aerobraking are always taxing on both the crew and ships, to the point of seriously endangering the mission.

5. After Action Report - QuesoExplosivo

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: (need I explain?)

6. Alien Sky - QuesoExplosivo

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Eve, Duna, and Jool have this.

7. Always Close - QuesoExplosivo

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Every aerobraking (or, without BERTY, engine burn) nearly ends in disaster.

8. Burial In Space - QuesoExplosivo

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Bob is set adrift in the glass coffin.

9. Dramatic Space Drifting - QuesoExplosivo

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: When Orsen dies, we get several shots of him drifting off.

10. Dwindling Party - QuesoExplosivo

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: The Kerbals die off one by one.

11. For Science - QuesoExplosivo

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: The (alleged) purpose of the mission, and Rozer's justification for abandoning Sidley.

12. Interplanetary Voyage - QuesoExplosivo

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: The Grand Tour is a "voyage to the planets."

13. Thrown Out the Airlock - QuesoExplosivo

Type: Avoided

Explanation: Threatened at multiple times, but avoided.

14. Getting Crap Past The Radar - DaddyCecil

Type: Played with.

Explanation: The crew's use of the word "Frak" instead of the F-bomb

15. In Space Everyone Can See Your Face - QuesoExplosivo

Type: Played straight

Explanation: For example: http://i.imgur.com/XoPbcea.jpg

16. Death World - QuesoExplosivo

Type: Played straight

Explanation: Eve. "External temperature – 467 °C. External pressure – 5 atm. Acceleration – 1,7 g" "879 milisiverts per hour!"

17. Space Does Not Work That Way - gutza1

Type: Averted like a boss (duh!)

Explanation: It's KSP! Of course space physics works like it should!

18. Single Biome Planet - gutza1

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Duna is one giant desert, Eve is a two-biome planet (toxic oceans and wasteland), most moons are an airless plain, and laythe is a beach world.

19. Zeroth Law Rebellion - gutza1

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: BERTY'S rebellion is one of the main plot points.

20. Affectionate Parody - gutza1

Type: Exaggerated


21. Adaptational Badass - gutza1

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Jeb, who is normally known for being a Cloud Cuckoo Lander, is now an awesome Broken Ace.

22. Precursors - gutza1

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: The civilization that built the monoliths.

23. The Omniscient Council of Vagueness - gutza1

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: KSC seems to by run by the trope( it hides the mission's main reason (to research the mysterious signals)).

24. Nothing Is Scarier - gutza1

Type: Played Straight(Type 2 and 3)

Explanation: (Type 2)We (so far) never find out what caused the Krussian space station around Ike to become abandoned. We also don't know what happened to the crew on Duna after their manned exploration of the source.(Type 3) The black and white photograph of Jool seems normal... until you see the face.

25. Alien Sea - gutza1

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Eve's seas are purple and composed of hazardous chemicals.

26. Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right - gutza1

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Jeb hijacks the AMU to refuel the Proteus, mutinies (along with BERTY) against KSC, and ends the mission early.

27. Obstructive Bureaucrat - gutza1

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Bob is this trope.

28. Cool Starship - gutza1

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: The Proteus is this.

29. Neutral Good - gutza1

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Jeb is willing to comply with KSC and BERTY, but when things get out of hand, he rebels.

30. Big Dumb Object - gutza1

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: The Source.

31. Space Compression - gutza1

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: The planets and the distances between them are 10 times as small as they should be in real life.

32. Artistic License - Biology - gutza1

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: How are Kerbals able to move their giant heads? They should be very unstable

33. The Needs Of The Many (AKA For The Greater Good) - gutza1

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: BERTY is willing to use a dead body for experiments and to sacrifice Kerbals in the name of Kerbalkind( I thought Jeb was being stupid with the dead body, after all, aren't the lives of millions of Kerbals more important than a cultural taboo?)

34. The Computer Is Your Friend - QuesoExplosivo

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Berty believes that what he does is best, and says so.

35. Sapient Ship - QuesoExplosivo

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Before Berty is deactivated, he is integrated into every part of the ship. "Jeb. I am the spacecraft."

36. Spaceship Girl - QuesoExplosivo

Type: Averted

Explanation: Berty is not female.

37. Cold Equation- QuesoExplosivo

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: The Laythe lander could not lift off with both Sid and the samples. See also Sadistic Choice.

38. Sadistic Choice - QuesoExplosivo

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Rozer has a choice: abandon the samples or abandon Sid.

39. The Mutiny- QuesoExplosivo

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: This happens both when Rozer takes control and when the crew votes to return to Kerbin.

40. Anti-Mutiny- QuesoExplosivo

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Berty takes the Proteus to Jool, following the original orders.

41. Wham Episode- QuesoExplosivo

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: "Impact" changes the story drastically. (It is also a literal "wham"!)

42. Space Whale] - gutza1

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: The Kraken (it's dead though).

43. Shout-Out - gutza1

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: "Daisy", as well as BERTY's core, are references to 2001: A Space Odyssey

44. Unexpectedly Abandoned - gutza1

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: When some of the crew land back on Duna to investigate the distress signal, they find that the base is empty.

45. Enemy Mine - gutza1

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Jeb reactivates BERTY to save his crew mates from himself.

46. What the Hell, Hero? - QuesoExplosivo

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: In Chapter 64, Jeb goes crazy with the tazer and reactivates Berty.

"What's the hell is going on?" --Ned

47. Out of the Frying Pan - QuesoExplosivo

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Rozer and Cambo successfully make it back to Proteus from Duna, only to face a reactivated Berty.

48. Someone Has to Die - QuesoExplosivo

Type: Lampshaded and Averted

Explanation: Ned says, "the only real option we have is to sacrifice someone so that we won't all die of carbon dioxide poisoning," but Rozer refuses.

49. Lawful Neutral - gutza1

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Rozer's only commitment is to the mission: he is willing to maroon a crew member behind on Laythe just to advance the mission.

Edited by czokletmuss
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*Thoughtful Look*

Just to get it out of the way:

Trope - Anyone Can Die.

Type - Played horrifically straight.

Explanation - Space is inherently a dangerous place, and due to malfuntion, conspiracy, wacky A.I., radiation exposure, accident or the author's whim, any Kerbal can drop dead with little warning.

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-Anyone Can Die

-Played oh-so-very straight.

-I don't think this requires much explanation.. any Kerbal can drop dead with little warning.

-Darker And Edgier

-Played fairly straight.

-Significantly darker than most KSP AARs, what with nutbar AIs, the crew slowly losing it, Jeb's emotional breakdown, and all the deaths.

For the crew in general:

-Genre Savvy

-Played with.

-While the crew don't predict everything that goes wrong, they are all too aware that what they're doing is very, very dangerous. In short, they're all trained kerbonauts.

-However, there is also some Genre Blindness, as nobody predicts BERTY's... episode.

-Played straight enough, but pretty much dropped after BERTY's shutdown.

-The crew, Jeb specifically, seem to have no clue of BERTY's impending... breakdown, despite his increasingly-erratic behavior beforehand. May, however, be Contractual Genre Blindness specifically to avoid a Game Breaker.

I'm certain there's more, however. :D

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Trope: After Action Report: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AfterActionReport

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: (need I explain?)

Trope: Alien Sky: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AlienSky

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Eve, Duna, and Jool have this.

Trope: Always Close: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AlwaysClose

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Every aerobraking (or, without BERTY, engine burn) nearly ends in disaster.

Trope: Burial in Space: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BurialInSpace

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Bob is set adrift in the glass coffin.

Trope: Dramatic Space Drifting: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DramaticSpaceDrifting

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: When Orsen dies, we get several shots of him drifting off.

Trope: Dwindling Party: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DwindlingParty

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: The Kerbals die off one by one.

Trope: For Science: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ForScience

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: The (alleged) purpose of the mission, and Rozer's justification for abandoning Sidley.

Trope: Heroic BSOD: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HeroicBSOD

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: This happens multiple times, when Jeb finds out Kerbals have died.

Trope: Interplanetary Voyage: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InterplanetaryVoyage

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: The Grand Tour is a "voyage to the planets."

Trope: Thrown Out the Airlock: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThrownOutTheAirlock

Type: Avoided

Explanation: Threatened at multiple times, but avoided.

Edited by QuesoExplosivo
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Tropes: (played straight)

After Action Report: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AfterActionReport

(need I explain?)

Always Close: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AlwaysClose

Every aerobraking (or, without BERTY, engine burn).

Dramatic Space Drifting: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DramaticSpaceDrifting

When Orsen dies.

Dwindling Party: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DwindlingParty

The kerbals die off one by one.

For Science: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ForScience

The (alleged) purpose of the mission.

Heroic BSOD: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HeroicBSOD

Multiple times, when Jeb finds out Kerbals have died.

Thrown Out the Airlock: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThrownOutTheAirlock

Threatened, but avoided.

These are very good but according to the rules:

- To join the contest all you need to do is to make a post in this thread in which you describe tropes found by you in „The Grand Tour†with quotes from the story (whenever this is possible or reasonable) or just your explanation

- You HAVEto explain what type of the trope was used, that is whether the trope is subverted, averted, played with, et cetera.

So you need to edit this post so that I can include your tropes in the list - sorry but rules have to work for everyone for the contest to be fair! Just look how Ravenchant did this and modify your post accordingly :)


To make it fair and make sure everyone gets equal treatment from now on ONLY entries using the structure showed below will count.

Trope: Aerith and Bob

Type: Played straight.

Explanation: Some of the crew members of „Proteus†have normal names like Bob, Bill or Jeb, but there are also more wacky ones like Rozer, Fertop or Jedgel.

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Type: Played with.

Explanation: The crew's use of the word "Frak" instead of the F-bomb.

*peeks into thread*

Isn't that more an example of "Pardon My Klingon"?

IDK but I can say that one can find at least one more trope connected to this :)

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Trope: Berserk Button (link)

Type: Played pretty straight

Explanation: Every time someone dies (or even sometimes close to dying), or maybe someone questions the safety of the mission, Jeb goes, well, berserk. Case in point: Jeb pummels Ned in the last chapter when he threatens Rozer. Though, Jeb does get one in on Rozer for good measure... :wink:

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Trope: Well intentioned Extremist.

Type: Played straight.

BERTY and Rozer, have few to no qualms with doing just about anything, but only for the success of the mission or for the "good of kerbality"; neither are needlessly spiteful or selfish.


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Tropes: Broken Ace.

Type: Played Straight

Character: Jeb.

A skilled pilot and a (generally) admired leader, whenever Jeb is at work he is an Ace played straight. But the inactivity of the months between different planets and the deaths of crew members bring out deep personal problems, and it's clear that the time between Kadmos and proteus saw him sink pretty low too.

"I know that guy was a hero once, but it was years ago. I helped the team in constructing his psychological profile boss, he's really a mess now. I just wonder is it a good idea to try to contact him at all."


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Points as on 13th April:

1. QuesoExplosivo (10)

2. The Error (5)

3. Revenchant and Bioman22 (1)

If the contest ended on 13th April, QuesoExplosive would have won both the contest and the game! Congratulations but keep looking, there are much more tropes out there :)

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MOAR tropes:

Trope: In Space Everyone Can See Your Face: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InSpaceEveryoneCanSeeYourFace

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: For example, XoPbcea.jpg.

Trope: Death World: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeathWorld

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Eve. "External temperature – 467 °C. External pressure – 5 atm. Acceleration – 1,7 g" "879 milisiverts per hour!"

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