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NASA LADEE Munor Mission challenge

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This is my gallery!

download here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/ladee-stock-craft-5/


Stay cool!:cool:

Nice looking, overkill on the solar panels. But, way too expensive as the Kerbal version had to be done on the cheap. That is the reason none of the top place entries look nothing like the real satellite. Flight profile good with mission accomplished in classic KSP style.

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This was my final design in cost and weight. Had to be carefully flown to keep the one solar panel facing the sun. It is balance only because of Kerbal physics and the fact that the six items in a hex pattern all have the same mass of 0.05 tons. This Is Turtle beat it out with his out of the box design that eliminates the fuel tank and engine, yet maintained a deorbiting capability with a tweaked sepatron.


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Are mods such as RealSolarSystem, ProceduralParts, KW Rocketry and RealFuels allowed?

CP, I'd like to try it for reals :D

This challenge is stock only. You can try the mission using those mods just for realism and post a report on their results, but they are otherwise ineligible.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As this is the day NASA has scheduled to deorbit LADEE, the contest now ends.

First place goes to ThisIsTurtle. After submitting a heavy design, he went ahead and designed a Kerbal solution that resulted in a LADEE weighing in at 0.07 tons. His key, dumping the power unit into Mun with a Sepratron leaving only the bare bone satellite with a Sepratron containing just enough fuel to deorbit his LADEE.

Second place to UpsilconAerospace. Conventional design weighing in at 0.1 tons.

Third place FCISuperguy. Inexpensive but much heavier with the dual monoprop system.

The best looking LADEE, not really a category, Donterro. His LADEE looks like the real thing.

A big thank you to everyone that took up this challenge. Everyone placing was able to obtain the goal of using the required parts, left no debris in space, and was able to deorbit the LADEE as required. Cost were very close to each other as well. Good work, designers for KSP.

My apologies if I missed anyone that posted an entry.

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