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SONY demands removal of blender's "SINTEL"


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We all know and love blender, the completely free animation/rendering/game-engine all in one software which is used by KSP modders regularily.... :)

A few years ago the blender foundation released SINTEL, a short film made under CC attributes 3.0 .... :cool:


and of course on youtube it got categorized as copyright infringement and was taken down.... SONY doesn't even have the rights to the film... :mad::mad::mad:

read any of these articles : https://www.google.ca/search?q=sony+tries+to+close+sintel+on+youtube&oq=sony+tries+to+close+sintel+on+youtube&aqs=chrome..69i57.9889j1j7&sourceid=chrome&espv=2&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8


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It's probably not even SONY, just a trolls exploiting Youtube's overly easy claim system.

Very similar to patent trolling. Often these trolls will even collect money from ads on videos they've put a claim on, even if the claim isn't validly theirs. And since as a youtube user, contesting a claim could lead to a court battle they can't afford, claims almost NEVER get contested. So a troll can steal money from countless videos with a near 0% chance of being caught.

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It's probably not even SONY, just a trolls exploiting Youtube's overly easy claim system.

More than that, it's probably one of the hundreds (thousands perhaps) of what I call "copyright bots" that make claims on all manner of videos.

Very similar to patent trolling. Often these trolls will even collect money from ads on videos they've put a claim on, even if the claim isn't validly theirs. And since as a youtube user, contesting a claim could lead to a court battle they can't afford, claims almost NEVER get contested. So a troll can steal money from countless videos with a near 0% chance of being caught.

I cant speak for others but I *always* dispute copyright claims and while some of those trolls can be painfully slow about it, the claims always end up being released.

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