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Why do kerbals fly over ladders when grabbed?

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Why do kerbals fly over ladders when grabbed? On low gravity places like planets and stuff, I would press F to grab the ladder and the kerbal would grab it, But fly over and then ungrab it, Can't get a screenshot but can you help me?

Edited by Bearsh
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once I had an RCS thruster I swore was far enough away from the door to the Mk1 capsule. Nope. Grabbed the ladder and flew off every time. Thank goodness for Kerbal Attachment System mod so I could take the thing off in EVA and attach it lower so my kerbal could get back inside!

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Besides having stuff too close to the hatch, I also think sometimes the act of grabbing the ladder itself imparts force on a kerbal. So if you are slightly above, below, rotated, or to the side of a ladder, grabbing on causes the kerbal to get a bit of extra force. I notice this a lot when I'm free floating EVA and can't get my kerbal to pitch up toward the hatch. (i.e. he goes at it head first)

If you're grabbing the ladder on the capsule itself, sometimes rapidly hitting the "F" key will get you onto the ladder and into the capsule quickly.

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If you're talking about what I think you are, it may be a bug in how KSP handles landed ships. The last time I saw this, it was with a ship that was landed on a slope, and no matter what it would always vibrate slightly. I think the constant shifting of the ladder's position may have been what caused the kerbal to slowly inch up the ladder.

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You want to have less vertical motion over the ladder.

I find that this happens if the kerbal is ascending or descending rapidly relative to the ladder. He snatches out and either reverses his direction or sometimes even speeds up the error. Slower will work.

On the other hand, they have a wonderful ability to grab on to a ladder when coming from the side, or heading in about to faceplant, as long as you time your F correctly.


I find that the 3-rungs embedded ladder is much more grabbable than capsule built-in hatches or extendible ladders. I usually mount one of these in each of the 4 sides of the hatch, makes for a much easier target.

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I've had similar problems. The solution is simple: Make sure that you are moving as little as possible when you "Press 'F' to Grab". If possible, try to align the ladder in such a way that it is extremely easy to float the Kerbal to and latch on. If the ladder is (relative to your Kerbal) on the underside of the craft, rotate it so the ladder is parallel to the Kerbal when using the jetpack.

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I've had similar problems. The solution is simple: Make sure that you are moving as little as possible when you "Press 'F' to Grab". If possible, try to align the ladder in such a way that it is extremely easy to float the Kerbal to and latch on. If the ladder is (relative to your Kerbal) on the underside of the craft, rotate it so the ladder is parallel to the Kerbal when using the jetpack.

Ah alrighty guys! Thanks for all replies! I'll switch this over to answered :)

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