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[WIP] Simian Endeavors v0.3.2, May-23


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Great news everyone, the monkeys over at R&D came to me today with an outstanding new product!

We are pleased to announce an all new line of Radial engines!


Dependency now exists with HotRockets! Development page: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65754-HotRockets!-Particle-FX-Replacement-Tutorial

Now featuring textures thanks to Cpt. Kipard

currently reskinned are the Excelsior and Voyager engines.

Basic Engine statistics:

LFO engines
max atmo vac
Mass thrust isp isp LF/s O/s
00nx 0.5 45 319 352 1.2929 1.5802
01co 0.79 55 319 352 1.5802 1.9313
0ac2 0.66 80 348 384 2.1069 2.5751
0ben 0.66 95 348 384 2.5019 3.0579
0cam 1.3 120 348 384 3.1603 3.8626
0dga 1.39 200 348 384 5.2672 6.4377

ION engines max atm/vac
Mass thrust isp Elec/s Xen/s
01p2 0.63 5 4200 21.8214 1.2123
0bex 0.63 15 4200 65.4641 3.6369
0ivo 0.35 30 4200 130.928 7.2738

Soon to come:

new class of engine: Impulse.

more engines, soon to be included: replicas Sovereign and Thunderfighter.

more textural and animation improvements.

Future plans:

Radial Cockpits.

Batteries, generators, and solar panels.

visit the forum to add your own suggestions!


EngineFX now using HotRockets! FX
more graphical/textural enhancements
Excelsior and Voyager replicas now have Animations & Cpt. Kippards textures.
fixed sound & smoke FX, still no sounds for ION engines just yet.
New Engine FX test build. At the moment smoke effects are not working.
More performance balancing.
all Liquid engine's thrust has been increased. values now range from 55-200kn.
Added impulse engines.
Fixed 0cam tech tree placement.
Added part descriptions.
Minor FX tweaking.
Fixed 0ac2 texture.
Fixed 0ivo mesh stretching.
Recalculated object masses based on volume.
Reworked collision meshes.
Minor power balancing on 0ac2 and 0ben engines.
Balanced Career mode integration.
Initial release

I am still not comfortable using Curseforge, as i have had major issues with them in the past. So for now i will keep the downloads on Mediafire.


v0.3.2 via Mediafire: http://www./download/ixqw1db1m1d39h9/SimianEndeavors0.3.2.zip

HotRockets! Curseforge page: http://kerbal.curseforge.com/plugins/220207-hotrockets-particle-fx-replacement


Edited by BobsYerUncle
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Could you please make leading and trailing edges of all the pylons sharper?

I've also tested your son's engine. I think you should half the thrust on it to bring it in line with the stock engines. It's too powerful right now.

Also I tried to texture that engine myself and found out that the UV map is a bit of a mess, no offence, but you'll never texture it with the state that it's in right now.

BTW I'm loving the Star Trek aesthetic :)

Edited by Cpt. Kipard
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Could you please make leading and trailing edges of all the pylons sharper?

I've also tested your son's engine. I think you should half the thrust on it to bring it in line with the stock engines. It's too powerful right now.

Also I tried to texture that engine myself and found out that the UV map is a bit of a mess, no offence, but you'll never texture it with the state that it's in right now.

BTW I'm loving the Star Trek aesthetic :)

ATM, its meant to be an option to the stock radial engine, with the same 120kn thrust. we did do about a 15% efficiency boost to fuel consumption though.

i dont want to make the pylons "too" weak, there does need to be both structural and electrical/fuel feeds in there... But, im sure allowances can be made if we do bigger versions.

some of them are a little frail to my eyes already, here's how they will look on a 1.25m fuselage:


i'll take a look at them though.

My plan actually is to lower it though once i have more of them finished, with the different engines growing slowly in power with each one.

here's my thinking:

the type-0 about 50 thrust, and i want to make an optional enterprise variety mesh for it.

the type-a goes up to 75ish

the type-b/x will be an ion engine of some type, power to be determined later, ive never really used many ion engines, dont want to be OP.

the type-c will be the full 120kn replacer

the type-d will be a workhorse type, but i want to try (if possible) to incorporate RCS thrusters with it. for a kind of ARM inspired utility.

I would like to get Voyager and movie-E engines in there somewhere too, also plan on a heavy-RCS block similar to the NX style saucer blocks - also with ARM maneuvering in mind.

Edited by BobsYerUncle
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There's no need to make those pylons weaker, just extend them above and below with a wedge shape. It's the edge that's important. It should decrease drag a little for people who use Ferram Aerospace.

I just had another thought while looking at references to start textures, what would any of you think about "secondary hull" pod style parts for science/electrical utilities?

What do you mean? Like a hollow Engineering section kind of thing?

There's 6S.

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Took a second pass at the meshes last nite to do some reconfiguring and add some details.

any suggestions or critiques before i get too far into texturing?


Edited by BobsYerUncle
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These are great, you did a great job of combining star trek and Kerbal styles. If you want to beef up the supports you could put support bars integrated into them just pushing out of the surface. That way the will be thin but still look like they can handle the weight.

You need an engine room part that combines matter and anti-mater into huge amounts of electricity as fuel for the engines. It should also use up a small amount of dilithium in the process.

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These are great, you did a great job of combining star trek and Kerbal styles. If you want to beef up the supports you could put support bars integrated into them just pushing out of the surface. That way the will be thin but still look like they can handle the weight.

You need an engine room part that combines matter and anti-mater into huge amounts of electricity as fuel for the engines. It should also use up a small amount of dilithium in the process.

what if i changed the ion engines, into impulse engines. using electricity and monoprop for propellant instead of elec/xenon? or maybe even all of them for that matter, and using the bussards as they are actually intended to replenish small amounts of monoprop from space???

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Really like these. I'm going to point people to these when they ask for ultra OP scifi stuff to use w/ my mod.

EDIT: Just to be clear I'm not demanding they be super OP, but I'll probably make a 'reactor core' or some part in my mod to make them extra sexy.

Edited by Alskari
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Really like these. I'm going to point people to these when they ask for ultra OP scifi stuff to use w/ my mod.

EDIT: Just to be clear I'm not demanding they be super OP, but I'll probably make a 'reactor core' or some part in my mod to make them extra sexy.

Thanks, right now i'm trying to make sure they are far from OP. I want them strong enough to get the job done, but i dont want them to replace normal staging. I see these (as they are now) as options for upper stages, landers, etc. We'll just have to see where it goes however :)

Nice. The only suggestion I'd have about the models is it would be nice to ensure that they would look good scaled up along the long axis to more closely approximate the source material, for those who would wish to.

So far i have not tried any upscaling, i wouldnt reccomend it ~ the proportions just wouldnt look right. I may make longer edits that would scale upward well since I have thought that a few of them would make good SRB's

Scaling down seems to work great on the other hand, rescalefactor = .5 looks great on almost all of them for use with lighter landers or maybe even some kind of separation motors.

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Your radial engine seem to be using SRB particle effects. Is that intentional? It doesn't look right to me.

Also, since you're now working on new parts does that mean you're not texturing the engines any more?

Also the ISP seem way too high.

Otherwise nice job.

Edited by Cpt. Kipard
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