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[23.5]Better RoveMates v1.7 - Community Addition Edition


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Woo! New update!

New Bodies-
Kethane Storage Probodobodyne Rovemate: Drill baby drill! -Works with Kethane Pack 0.8.5
Holds 120 units of Kethane

KAS Storage Probodobodyne Rovemate: Hate carrying all of that luggage? -Works with KAS 0.4.7
Holds 40 units of "stuff".

Kethane Converter Probodobodyne Rovemate: Convert while you Rove! -This more of a Beta product,it could have problems with it,just so you know. Works with Kethane Pack 0.8.5
Converts as the same rate as the 1m KE-C090 Medium Converter Unit

Update ModuleManager to 2.0.8 and is now included with the download

Pictures are included with the first post.

Also, Thank you guys for over 300+ downloads! I never knew it would come this far!

What do you think of some lifesupport rovemates? Give your opinion!

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New update: Tac LifeSupport Edition!

New Bodies-
TacLifeSupport Probodobodyne Rovemate: Stayin' Alive,Stayin' Alive!
General LifeSupport: 80Food,80Water,8Oxygen

TacLifeSupport Food Probodobodyne Rovemate: "SNAAAAAAAAACKSSSSS" -Jeb
240 Snack Units

TacLifeSupport Water Probodobodyne Rovemate: Drinks are on the house,er ship.
240 Water Units

TacLifSupport Oxygen Probodobodyne Rovemate: Kerb Vader will be proud.
240 Oxygen Units

Have anymore Suggestions? I'm all Ears!(well I have 2). Anyway give me your suggestions and it could be added in the next update!


EDIT: Curse has approved the File and you can download v1.7 there!

Edited by Codey737
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Would either of these be possible:

A Rovemate that functions as a radial decoupler

A Rovemate that functions as a Radiator from Interstellar.

The first one so that we can shove a rover onto the side of a rocket, the second so that interstellar users can lower part counts.

This is a really good mod idea, by the way.

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  Sgt. Cookie said:
Would either of these be possible:

A Rovemate that functions as a radial decoupler

A Rovemate that functions as a Radiator from Interstellar.

The first one so that we can shove a rover onto the side of a rocket, the second so that interstellar users can lower part counts.

This is a really good mod idea, by the way.

I'll investigate into the decoupler, I'm not 100% sure about it. Radiator from Interstellar sounds interesting, I've personally never tried Interstellar but I'll give it a shot!

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Looks great. Oh yeah, can you make a Mechjeb body?

Oh yeah also despite me not being a mod,

  Squad. Post is Forum Rules. said:
All addons, plugins and similar works (such as code, textures or models) posted on the services as meant in 1.1 must be accompanied by the source code (if applicable) and a license in both the post and the download file. Any works derived from addons, plugins and similar works, if permitted, must attribute the original work and provide proof of rights to use the original work.

There's no source code.

Edited by Mozziedoo
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  JewelShisen said:
None needed. Source code is only needed in event of a plugin being distributed with the mod
  Squad. Post is Forum Rules. said:
All addons, plugins and similar works.

Ahem. It specifically sates ALL ADDONS, PLUGINS AND SIMILAR WORKS.

This, technically is an addon.

So therefore, it needs a source.

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  Mozziedoo said:
Looks great. Oh yeah, can you make a Mechjeb body?

Yes I can do a Mechjeb body.

  Mozziedoo said:
Ahem. It specifically sates ALL ADDONS, PLUGINS AND SIMILAR WORKS.

This, technically is an addon.

So therefore, it needs a source.

No Source needed for this mod,there is no coding to it hence no source. Its all parts and part configs.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Mozziedoo said:
Looks great. Oh yeah, can you make a Mechjeb body?

Oh yeah also despite me not being a mod,

There's no source code.

  Mozziedoo said:
Ahem. It specifically sates ALL ADDONS, PLUGINS AND SIMILAR WORKS.

This, technically is an addon.

So therefore, it needs a source.

Yes however if you read closer it says "All addons, plugins and similar works (such as code, textures or models) posted on the services as meant in 1.1 must be accompanied by the source code (if applicable)"

Since this has no coding then there is no source code to start with just like Codey737 said.

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I've been a bit inactive lately(yay life) I have been planning the next series of rovemates:

Extraplanetary Launch Pad rovemates,MechJeb rovemate(trying to get mechjeb to work <_< ),and possibly a few KSPI rovemate.

Have more ideas? Tell me below!

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  Sgt. Cookie said:
What about a Rovemate that generates lift like a wing?

With the effective lift of a brick? :P

  parameciumkid said:
I never use the rovemate. Too bulky for an unmanned or 1-Kerbal rover, and pointless for a bigger one.

But maybe if the stock rovemates were like these... :wink:

I barely used the stock rovemate myself since I needed to add alot of stuff for what I needed(fuel tanks,power,etc). Hopefully one day Squad will make it alot more useful. :cool:

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