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What operating system do you use?


What is your Operating system?  

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  1. 1. What is your Operating system?

    • Linux - Ubuntu, Redhat, etc.
    • Windows (from XP onwards)
    • Mac OS X
    • Other

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My old laptop with Vista Home Basic is a RAM-eating monstrosity. It\'s incredibly weak at processing and takes an age to do anything.

My current laptop has Vista Advanced Version Thing, so I can use the less RAM-chompin\' style. I replaced it with a remade XP Energy Blue theme, though, and wow, does it look brilliant.


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I have Windows 7 Home Premium on my work computer (school work, mind you) which is a Dell Inspiron 1520. Weak, yes, but I only need it for things like Office and such.

Then, I have Windows Vista Home Premium on my main computer, an HP Pavilion Entertainment PC, which I use for gaming, 3D animation, and almost everything.

I also have Windows 8 developer preview on another computer.

Lastly, I have Mac OS X Snow Leopard on an IMac.

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Windows 7 is amazing and I have yet to have a problem with it at all. Even XP wasn\'t this smooth.

Here\'s a problem.

If you have one of the older Toshiba XP laptops with 7 installed onto it the WIFI modem won\'t work with Linksys routers.

Only the secured WEP ones, that is.

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