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Google tracking causes "Bad Gateway" error on modders pages.


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I'm getting a "Bad Gateway" error from a few of the modders pages.

Seems to be caused by a Tracking Script

My browser won't let me display the page unless I open it in a private window.

Even when I open it in a private window I can't even see the threads let alone use the organise threads option. They all appear linear.

Why are people using a system which actively tracks users on their pages? Do they get 30 pieces of silver for each hit?

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I've never experienced that error before, even though I am personally using the tracking software on my website.

Can you please tell me what sites have replied the "502: Bad Gateway" error, and what kind of browser you are using.

I'll try myself and probably tell you what's wrong.

EDIT: If you use Internet Explorer, install Mozzila of Chrome IMMEDIATELY!

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Please don't make arbitrary browser recommendations. Not helpful. IE is arguably worse than FF or Chrome, but not enough to cause issues like this, so you're really just not helping and making things difficult.

OP, if you could provide links to the pages that aren't working, that'd be great. :)

(Moved to the Forum Forum)

Edited by vexx32
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I know what is wrong because I have examined the sources of the pages in question.

I have no wish to single out individuals at this time.

It is extremely bad form to use forum pages for such activities especially when such activities detract from the experience of using the forum.

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Could you move my post back to general discussion please.

I'd like general users to see it and be able to discuss the matter.

Most users, including myself, never even visit this area of the forum.

Besides, as a moderator, you know of more pages than I do which are using google tracking.

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No, we are not moving threads to General Discussion just so more people see them. Every forum has its specific purpose, and this thread (as far as I can tell) simply belongs here.

As it stands right now, your thread also serves little to no purpose. What are you trying to achieve? We cannot reproduce the problem you're having, and you're making vague accusations against people. If you feel you know what's going on, make a detailed report about it. If you don't wish to do that publicly (which probably is a good thing), contact a moderator directly.

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I have been very careful not to accuse anyone of anything vaguely or overtly. I resent being accused of doing so.

I merely stated that some modders were using tracking scripts on their pages and that in many cases the browser will refuse to load the page with a Bad Gate error. I know from other sources that this is a common problem.

I made a joke about 30 pieces of silver as when people do things involving others without their consent or even knowledge, it would seem to many as a form of betrayal.

My browsers are configured to protect me from spies and my system from harm.

I give people information they are entitled to.

I am using your forum. You have the right to have access to my IP in case I do something criminal and it is given to you each time I use your forum.

However your tone and the way that you moved my post within half an hour of it being published, suggests that it is all something you would rather not have in a place where a lot of general users will be able to see it.

So I'll ask you pointedly an without any vagueness at all.

Are the operators of this forum aware that some modders are hosting scripts from a third party on their pages which track the internet usage of anyone who looks at the page without the consent or even the knowledge of the user?

Please understand that normally this wouldn't bother me. However, it seems that to view these pages properly, to be able to comment about the mods in question in the threads on those pages, I must allow this script to track me. To know information about me that I do not wish to share with strangers. It feels like having some creepy guy following you around in the supermarket making notes on which brand of toilet paper you buy and how often you use it.

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It is well that you did not "accuse anyone of anything vaguely or overtly" as the issue is with Google adsense, not with any addon developers page or with the vBulletin software Squad are using, also this error has appeared on other pages here recently.

This thread will remain here in the forum forum where it should of originally been posted.

If you are so concerned then you should be taking steps to protect yourself from Google adsense, many plugins for popular browsers exist that enable this or you can edit your robots.txt to prevent it completely.

If you have any further issues on this subject I recommend you take it up with Google directly.

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And I'll say it again: I cannot reproduce the error you're getting. Without specific examples of where this is happening, we can't figure out what's going on. It is, as far as I'm aware, not possible for a normal user to insert tracking code into the forum itself. So, unless you provide examples to the contrary, you're barking up the wrong tree. You speak of "their (mod creators') pages" - are you talking about the modders' own sites, linked to from the forum? In that case, there's little we can do. We have no rules telling creators how to build the website they're linking to - and you're free not to click any off-site links if you feel strongly about it.

Where are you getting these errors? How did you come to the conclusion that these are caused by tracking code from mod creators? What are you asking us to do?

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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