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Kerbal Skype Group


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Reviving this, since it's something nice for people who just like Skype or don't use IRC that much. Click here to enter the group via Skype URL, if you want to hang out for conversation and banter and discussing your most prolifically explosive builds.

You can try PMing me your username, or posting it here if that doesn't work. Mind that posting in the open can expose you to spammers.

Some security tips for those concerned about Skype anonymity

•*Skype can use proxies, and it uses the systemwide proxy settings for the current user if you're on Mac OS X.

• You can protect your PC's IP from being snagged by Skype resolvers and resolving websites by opening settings and checking the option, under the Advanced tab tab in OS X, to "Allow direct connections to my contacts only".

- For Windows:

You will need version 6.5 or later

Go to options>connection> check "allow direct connections for your contacts only."

This will prevent anyone from finding your ip unless you chose to share your contact information with them.

I don't have Windows, pls hulp Windows Skype users.

Edited by Accelerando
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  • 3 months later...

my name is moonofsilverdragon if u can add me to the group, might be interesting discussing some designs in real time, or using the sharescreen function and see someone elses work. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to use those tiny solid booster rockets, sepertrons I think as a brake for my jet planes just before landing.

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This interests me. I'll be back home at the next month, but will probably say Hi at the group soon to see how's things going there.

As someone mentioned before, a large group of people in the chat might become a problem in the future. Have you guys thought about TeamSpeak, instead? :)

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