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Science and vehicle assembly should also take time

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Currently, I feel that there is something wrong with the way that science progression works.

You gather the science points and you instantly buy new tech.

But tech is developed in time. So it would be nice if, after spending 5 RP on an new tech, we would have to wait some time for it to be researched. This way I don't go to the moons in day 3 of the game. Let's say that 1 RP equals 1 day. That would make science feel like it is actually researched. So a tech that is worth 300 RP would take 300 days to research, and so on..

Same way, vehicles should take time to assemble. The most basic ones at least 1 day, the most complex ones weeks or a couple of months.

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This feature is easily modded, but only appeals to a relatively small group of players, so it shouldn't be a core feature.

That said, it is interesting as a mod, because it means rescue missions while using TAC LS are on an even stricter time table.

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The way the game works now, time really has no meaning outside of an individual mission. When I'm playing, I like to try to avoid major timewarping without doing anything in between (like, while waiting for a transfer window, I run a mission to Minmus or something), but really, there's no reason to do this. And that's probably for the best, since sometimes I just want to go through with my mission to Jool, even if it means putting the rest of my space program on hold for 3 or 4 years.

So I guess the question is whether this should change. When money comes around, will you be granted a yearly budget? Will missions have time constraints? That's the only reason this would be a good idea, otherwise what's the point when you could just timewarp at KSC anyways?

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Hmm. While I can appreciate the idea of a realistic timescale, I too would find it very frustrating to timewarp simply for the sake of skipping to the point of rocket assembly. The game doesn't have the structure to allow a pipeline of rockets to be designed/fabricated. So we would be stuck with: "Design a rocket, sit and wait for it to show up. Now you can design your next rocket, and wait. Repeat..." Especially when you consider it can take years to design, build, and assemble a rocket. Although a lot of games work this way (wait for something to build), they aren't usually as flexible and open ended with design. Think of the pain if you realized at launch that you forgot to install that solar panel....

I'm guessing that Twreed87 is probably on the right track. Career mode will probably become time dependent due to budget implementation.

On the other hand, I can see science taking time to fully research. A lot of games work that way. Although I'm still not sure about waiting over a year of gametime for one science node to unlock. That might make science a bit of a grind while you're waiting.

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